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这些存粮可以维持我们一周的食用。He's not capable of sustaining shocks.

此外,所有大而持续的系统也这样耍把戏。And all large, sustaining systems play the game.

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我在经济上用什么维持我的生活方式呢?Was what I am bringing in financially sustaining my lifestyle?

看板系统在维持“连续流通”的同时“限制在制品数量”。A Kanban system "Limits WIP" while sustaining "Continuous Flow".

我负责为急救中心供应血浆。I am in charge of sustaining the first-aid centre with blood plasma.

禁欲是一种存在于人体的持续的生命力量。The capability of sustaining the life force in the body is celibacy.

您有责任提供最新的资讯并激励著扶轮社。You are responsible for sustaining well-informed and motivated Rotary clubs.

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保持这种进展需要美国继续保持决心和承担义务。Sustaining that progress will require continuing U.S. resolve and commitment.

他认为经济进步对于持续改善伊拉克的安全状况至关重要。Believes that economic progress is essential to sustaining security gains in Iraq.

两个法官警告说,他们“持续定罪完全没有问题。”Two Justices warned that they "would have no difficulty in sustaining convictions.

它的重型反应堆可以支持长距离潜航所需的重力引擎。Its massive reactor was capable of sustaining the gravitic drive over lengthy dives.

­在促进和维持南南研究协作方面,资助有多重要?How important is funding in promoting and sustaining South–South research collaboration?

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这其中的关键优势在于这些功能的实现和维护成本。The key advantage to this is the cost of implementing and sustaining this functionality.

不可再生资源是人类生存的必须物质。Non-renewable resources are the necessary substances sustaining the human being to survive.

狗屁自我维持经济,中国和日本的乾系近来为什麽那麽告急呀?Self sustaining economy my ass. Theres a resaon Japan and China have had tensions recently.

狗屁自我维持经济,中国和日本的关系最近为什么那么紧张呀?Self sustaining economy my ass. Theres a resaon Japan and China have had tensions recently.

不过纳尼因为肩膀受伤不能去国家队报到了。However, Nani will miss Portugal's trip to Liechtenstein after sustaining a shoulder injury.

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昔日神以吗哪为礼物赐给以色列人,预表祂把耶稣基督作为最好的礼物,赐给我们。The gift of manna to ancient Israel was a sign of the sustaining gift of Christ Jesus to us.

要让人相信目前洋基的投手阵容可以维持整季成功仍然是件困难的工作。Tougher still remains the task of projecting this staff as capable of sustaining a long run.

安琪拉勇敢地挡在了她的小主人前,承受着美洲豹的撕咬。Angel positioned herself between her young master and the cougar, sustaining puncture wounds.