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明矾可以澄清浊水。Alum will settle turbid water.

望读者不为本文混乱之开放思路迷惑。Hope you not confused by this open and turbid route.

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没有深水渠汪洋一片,没有大山阻高薄云天。Never a mountain rocky and steep, Never a river turbid and deep.

研究结果同时也验证了T—R法在高悬浊水体应用的优越性。It also shows the advantage of T-R method in highly turbid water.

原本新鲜的空气,却变成了黄沙混合起来的浑浊空气。Originally the fresh air, turned into sand mixing up the turbid air.

但在这本平静如水的自传中,这样不和谐的小插曲只不过是稍显浑浊的浅滩罢了。But such episodes are just turbid pools in the limpid stream of memoir.

只有一瞬间,我觉得我那浑浊的眼睛似乎看到了耶和华的双眼。Just one moment, it seemed that my turbid eyes were linked to Jehovah's.

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安梨混浊果汁生产中,稳定剂以0。When producing Anli pear turbid juice, the most efficious stabilizer is 0.

膝关节经由穿刺,抽吸出40毫升混浊之关节液。Aspiration of knee joint effusion yielded 40 mL of turbid straw-colored fluid.

沥青烟是一种较强的致癌物质,对人的健康会造成极大的伤害。There are a lot of cancer-inducing materials in the turbid liquid. Don't use it.

一个渔民在喘不过气来的夏天从浑浊的河水里拖上了几网牡蛎。A fisherman drags nets of oysters from the turbid river water on a breathless summer day.

泥石流是排土场建设中的一大危害,特别是在雨水充裕的南方地区。Turbid is a major trouble in waste dump construction, especially in sufficient rain area.

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浑浑沌沌,离则复合,合则复离,是谓天常。Turbid turbid chaos away from the compound, then re-combined to leave, is that days often.

虽然我从沥青河里捉过不计其数的鱼,却总是把它们放回混浊的家。Though I caught countless fish from the Tar's waters, I released them to their turbid home.

她的眼睛全白而且浑沌,而她没有戴上太阳眼镜去遮掩双眼。Her eyes were all white and turbid , and she didn't wear sun glasses to hide her blind eyes.

所以如上分析,“清阳为天,浊阴为地”可翻译如下。The lucid Yang ascends to form the heaven while the turbid Yin descends to constitute the earth.

南黄海冷水团促进了浑水层和悬浮体跃层的发育。In addition, South Cold Water Mass promote develope of the suspended-cline and lower turbid water.

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“原味锅”烹调食物,食物不老化、不焦皮、不浊汤,更加美味好吃。Food cooked with "Stem Cooker", does not become tough, burnt, turbid and they taste more delicious.

不同型式的沉淀设备,对浑水异重流的适应性不同。Different sedimentation tanks have the different adaptability to the density current of turbid water.

请你做一次正常的慢慢呼吸,同时意念把体内浊气呼出来。Please breathe naturally and slowly for one time, and exhale the turbid Qi in your body by your mind.