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那要看你想给他授权什么。That should see you think his accredit what.

我不认可任何战争,不支持任何国家。I never accredit any war nor support any nation.

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董事长将任命你做他的助理。The president will accredit you as his assistant.

董事长将任命你做他的助理。vt. The president will accredit you as his assistant.

我们把电灯的发明归功于爱迪生。vt. We accredit the invention of the electric light to Adison.

对此,使用授权声明是一个很好的处理方式。To this, use accredit statement is a very good processing means.

美国教育厅并未授权所有的学校。The United Statesdepartment of education does not accredit schools.

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美国教育部并不给学校授权。vt. The United States Department Education does not accredit schools.

如何准确把握督查的授权行为?。How accurate the accredit action that holds superintend and director to check?

此外,系统具有强大的管理权限与灵活的授权机制。Besides, this system possesses strong purview management function and accredit regulation.

只有这样,我们才能赢得人民群众的信任和支持,赢得民心。Only such, we just can win the accredit of people and support, win common feelings of people.

资料处理经理的职务,能保障我运用电脑系统的常识。A position as data-processing manager that will accredit me to utilize my ability of computer systems.

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厘清消协与网站的关系,消费者对消协的信任是否就不受影响?Li clear need assist the relation with the website, consumer offset assist accredit whether insusceptible ?

我们建议AQSIQ和CIQ对处理进口肉类产品的进口商和销售商进行一年一次的认可。We propose that AQSIQ and CIQ accredit importers and operator handling imported meat products on an annual basis.

传统数据库的安全是通过访问控制、身份鉴别、授权控制等方面进行保障的。The security of the traditional DBMS is safeguarded by access control, user authentication, accredit control and so on.

黄女士说,骗子早已在“百度”上设了套,一步步骗取上当者的信任。Huang says, cheater is in already " Baidu " on set set, one step by step the accredit of the person that diddle is duped.

在这个过程当中,父女之间开始慢慢相互了解,并重新建立起信任和亲情。Between this process, begin between father daughter slowly understand one another, establish an accredit and close condition afresh.

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红帽没有授权任何主考人或培训合作伙伴直接向考生报告成绩。Red cap does not have accredit people of any be in charge of an examination or groom the partner reports to examinee directly achievement.

以这种形式加密客户与服务器连接可使未授权用户极难查阅往来的数据。Add close client and server join to be able to make with this kind of form not accredit user consults extremely hard the data of come-and-go.

诺基亚正在草拟一份包括游戏、铃声、屏幕保护、图像和视频在内的授权手机内容网络目录。Nuojiya is drafting one includes protection of game , ring, screen, image and video inside catalog of network of content of accredit mobile phone.