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他们就像是在跟踪我一样。It seemed like they were haunting me.

对于所有观影者来说,这种效果也是挥之不去的。For any viewer, the effect is no less haunting.

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树林深处看不见的地方,反复传来人们有节奏的呼喊声。Haunting chants came from unseen people in the trees.

她为什么老被恐惧的意识所盘据呢!If she did not always have this haunting sense of fear!

这是一幅令人难以忘怀的景象,过去分明就在眼前。It was a haunting vision, the past compellingly present.

资本主义归来的幽灵正在笼罩世界。A specter is haunting the world—the return of capitalism.

我看见簌簌的歌唱萦绕指间,琥珀的时光沉落。I saw the haunting singing Susu fingers, amber time sink.

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困扰之处在于虚无和基本信任的严重缺乏。Its nihilism and its unbalanced lack of basic trust are haunting.

从我个人的阅历中我明白这是一件很困扰的事情。I know from personal experience that this can be a haunting thing.

15年过去,这场大屠杀的惨景还萦绕在欧洲大陆上空,成为欧洲人挥之不去的耻辱记忆。Fifteen years on, haunting images of the massacre that shamed Europe.

很多个夜晚,西尔维娅仿佛又听见他的口哨声在树林里回荡。Many a night Sylvia heard the echo of his whistle haunting the forest.

它们在令人难以忘怀的镜头中回响,给予影片以鲜活的生命。They resound through the haunting scenes and give life to the scenery.

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这是动物王国中最为复杂,最令人难以忘怀的音乐。It's one of the most haunting and complex sounds in the animal kingdom.

几年前,在爱尔兰克莱尔郡的杜林,我经历了一个难忘的新年夜。I spent a most haunting New Year's Eve in Doolin, County Clare, Ireland.

并且每当我在梦里看见你时,我看见了你那张令我难以忘怀的脸。And everytime I see you in my dreams, I see your face you're haunting me.

困扰尤赖亚希普从魔术师的生日1972年的专辑的民谣。Haunting ballad by Uriah Heep from the 1972 album The Magician's Birthday.

我看见有几个人常在你家周围转悠,你那里发生什么事了?I saw some persons haunting around your house, what's the matter with you?

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但是那些令人难以忘怀的音律和曲调却没有政府那些音盲的政府。But its haunting chords and rhythms do not conquer tone-deaf bureaucracies.

半篇琴谱奏一世渊源,箫声萦绕叹一生惆怅。Half of the score played a world origin, haunting melancholy flute with life.

分离主义和种族冲突一直困扰着后冷战时代的国际社会。Separatism and racial conflict have been haunting the post-Cold War community.