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并非所有消息都是悲观的。Not all the news was downbeat.

这也是我们知道重拍在哪里的途径That's how we know the downbeat.

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我是唱弱拍还是唱强拍?Do I come in on the upbeat or the downbeat ?

我看到事实上每个人都这样表示重拍Virtually everyone has got the downbeat here.

只是在每个强拍上加一个整数They're just adding integers on each downbeat.

每个小节的第一拍叫做重拍The first part of the bar is called the downbeat.

而和弦的变化往往都在重拍上But where they change oftentimes is on the downbeat.

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在重拍前有一小段音乐Well, there's a little bit of music before the downbeat.

音乐的重拍,合着手势,下摆The downbeat in the music comes with the down motion of the hand.

其它分析师对于股市前景则显得更悲观一些.Others are more downbeat still about prospects for equity markets.

有关强拍的内容,我们过一会就会说到这个so there is a sense of downbeat and we'll come back to that in just a moment.

这里是重拍,但我们把它放在二上面,一,二,三,一,二Oh, there's the downbeat but we were putting that on two One two three one two.

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如果你用上弓去拉重音,你的形状会好吗,不会,绝对不会If you are playing a downbeat with an up-bow are you in good shape? No, no, no, no.

新研究称,太快乐的人比悲观的同龄人死得早。People who are too happy die younger than their more downbeat peers, claims new research.

鉴于世界各国领导人在最近几周悲观的声明,谈判延长并不出人意料。The extension is not unexpected given the downbeat statements by world leaders in recent weeks.

伴随2008年经济萎靡不振,委婉地说来,大部分商业人士表现悲观。In the wake of the 2008 financial flameout, most business people are, to put it mildly, downbeat.

近期所做的调查显示,欧元区13国的商业企业突然变得愈发悲观起来。Recent surveys show that businesses in the 13-nation euro currency area are becoming sharply more downbeat.

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听一会,然后你们的身体大致才会告诉你们,开始给你们信号,告诉你重拍在哪里Listen for a while and your body almost will start to tell you start to signal to you, where the downbeat is.

帕克说,近几个月他的悲观看法在客户中获得了更多的认同。Mr. Parker says he has found a more receptive audience for his downbeat views among his clients in recent months.

但是他,事实上,把强拍的音提前了一拍,在这个位置添加了一丝刺激But he brings, in effect, the sound of the downbeat in a beat early, gives it a little bit of pep there at that particular point.