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是巴洛克式的还是浪漫主义的?Is it baroque or romantic?

要哥特黑,还是要巴洛克白?Gothic black or baroque white?

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主导风格是俄罗斯巴洛克式。The leading style is Russian baroque.

这建筑保持了巴罗克风格。The building retains the baroque style.

你喜欢华丽的巴洛克式建筑吗?。Do you like florid baroque architecture?

意大利诺托谷的晚期巴罗克风格城镇。Late Baroque towns of the Val di Noto, Italy.

这是一巴洛克式建筑的好例子。This is a good example of Baroque architecture.

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这种装饰是巴罗克时期的特征。Such decoration was a typical feature of the baroque period.

一些美妙的协奏曲起源于巴洛克晚期。Several beloved concertos originated in the late Baroque era.

在巴罗克时期,人们重新对器乐产生了兴趣。The baroque age brought a new interest in instrumental music.

这时期在巴洛克风格和浪漫的期数之间落下。This period falls between the Baroque and the Romantic periods.

为什么巴洛克艺术风格适合某一时期,而另一时期却显得过于炫目辉煌?Why is baroque right for one age and too effulgent for another?

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巴洛克式最后被长寿命的古典建筑所代替。The baroque gave way to a long period of classical architecture.

这面他摆在入口上装饰性的镜子是巴洛克式的。The decorative mirror they put at the entrance is Baroque style.

这是新古典主义巴洛克风格的创作。This is yet another example of the late neoclassic baroque period.

修道院社区于公元1755年-1768年按巴罗克式的风格重建。From 1755 to 1768, the conventual area was rebuilt in Baroque style.

布伦特的书房是一个按壮丽的巴罗克艺术风格装饰起来的大房间。Blunt 's study was a large room decorated in magnificent baroque style.

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巴罗克时期的家具以豪华的雕刻作为鉴别标志。Furniture of the baroque period can be recognized by its ornate carvings.

从一开始,巴洛克风格就是耶稣的「秘闻」或是小传。The baroque is, at the outset, the ' storyette" or little tale of Christ."

对于这一段,吴女士解析说,当时贝多芬十分痴迷于巴洛克艺术。During that period, Ms. Wu said, Beethoven was fascinated by Baroque forms.