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全国降半旗。Countrywide flags all half-mast.

山西是全国能源重化工基地。Shanxi is base of countrywide energy heavy chemical industry.

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持械抢劫和诱拐案的案发率在全国范围内都有所上升。Armed robbery and abduction have been on the increase countrywide.

这正好可以配合奥维思的全国促销网络。This as it happens can cooperate network of countrywide sales promotion.

李健熙在向全国电视直播的简短声明中说。Li Jianxi says in the brief statement to countrywide TV living broadcast.

瑞士信贷在过去一年中曾为Countrywide提供过投资银行服务。Credit Suisse has done investment-banking work for Countrywide in the past year.

KFDP创立于1999年,目的是协调全国性残疾人口工作。The KFDP was founded in 1999 to coordinate the work with disabled population countrywide.

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因此,中国各省的国内生产总值表格加起来远远超过全国的估计。Thus, China's provincial GDP tabulations add up to far more than the countrywide estimate.

“我已经让戴维做过50多次培训了,”温斯顿说,现在他是“乡域”公司的首席领导力官员。"I've probably used David 50 times," says Winston, now chief leadership officer for Countrywide.

奈温命令消灭8888运动全国范围民主示威活动份子。The elimination of the "8888" activists during the countrywide democracy demonstration by Ne Win.

来自全国32家的冶金矿山企业66位代表出席了会议。Come from 32 metallurgy mine company of countrywide of the home 66 delegates attended the meeting.

在全国所有地级市中,无锡率先实现了这一目标。In city of level of countrywide all ground, took the lead in achieving this one goal without stannum.

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五年后,新一届的全国人大在北京登上了历史的舞台。After 5 years, new the arena that countrywide National People's Congress entered the history in Beijing.

企业依靠全国各地的代理批发商在市场销售产品。The enterprise relies on the acting jobber of countrywide each district to sell a product in the market.

因为网络使用在农村比城市里少得多,所以调查结果并没有必然反映出全国性的情况。Results do not necessarily project countrywide because Internet use in rural areas is lower than in cities.

经济增长的收敛模式在全国范围内没有绝对收敛,也没有条件收敛。The convergence mode of economic growth has not countrywide absolute convergence or conditional convergence.

库辛尼奇说,他想找出“全美”是谁为艾迪做房贷的,又是如何得到批准的。Kucinich says that he wants to find out who at Countrywide wrote the loan for Addie, and how it got approved.

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把这种“行动”转换成遍及全国的形态,你们拥有一个“势不可挡”的力量去“创造”或者“其他方面”。Translate that into a countrywide movement, and you have a virtually unstoppable force for good or otherwise.

全国性的饥饿爆发,说明这样的情况并非只有我们心石岙!The countrywide Great Famine broke out, which perfectly explained that our case in Heart Stone Gully was not unique.

这两项重大的改革给全国交通运管部门既带来了动力,也带来了压力。These two major reform carry to countrywide traffic tubal branch brought motive force already, also brought pressure.