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这是一种错误的刻板印象。This is a false stereotype.

根据构造型属性值来着色Color by stereotype attribute value

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这个问题被称为“刻板印象威胁”And the issue is called "stereotype threat."

这种“老眼光的威胁”的影响到底有多大?How big an effect can this "stereotype threat" have?

表二列出了一个消息原型的属性。Table 2 lists the properties of a message stereotype.

人们可以接受用这个刻板印象来以一概全。It's an acceptable stereotype to make a generalization from.

该项研究显示英国的广告对妇女抱有成见。The study says that British advertisements stereotype women.

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起初,吴思姗难以适应这种固定的模式。Wu found it difficult to fit this stereotype at the beginning.

坏男孩的特质是怎么让女人爱了又爱How the Traits of the Bad Boy Stereotype Affect Women’s Emotions

IAT是测量职业性别刻板印象的有效工具。IAT is a effective tool for measuring occupation-sex stereotype.

起初,沈颖难以适应这种固定的模式。Shen found it difficult to fit this stereotype at the beginning.

这是正确的,但它还是刻板印象。I think it's a true stereotype but it's a stereotype nonetheless.

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该项研究说,英国的广告对妇女抱有成见。The study says that British marketing crevaigns stereotype women.

认为中国人不易动感情,那是大错特错了。The stereotype of the unemotional Chinese is not entirely accurate.

每个固定模型的元类扩展有一个或者多个条目。One or more entries for each metaclass extension of each stereotype.

说你有刻板印象-,就是说你有问题。To have a stereotype is to be-- is to have something wrong with you.

同时,这一未意识到的固有模式会对我们的行为产生影响么?And will this unconscious stereotype have any effect on our behaviour?

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我想知道“中国娃娃”这种刻板印象是怎么来的。I always wonder where did the whole "China Doll" stereotype come from.

好莱坞的典型形象跟实际真正的圣殿武士不一样的。The Hollywood stereotype and the real Templar are two different beings.

这个工具将允许您挑选任何文件作为一个原型图标或者图像文件。The tool will let you pick any file as a stereotype icon or image file.