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给她伊甸园里绽放的那从不花褪残红的玫瑰。For her th' unfading rose of Eden blooms.

永不褪色的面料,给人以常新的感觉。Unfading materials give people a feeling of lasting freshness.

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这种先进的印染技术,使产品永不褪色。This advanced dyeing technology can make the products unfading.

他与猫王、披头士乐队并列为世界流行音乐史上最伟大不朽的象征。He, along with Elvis and Beatles, are the greatest and unfading symbols in the pop-history of the world.

不管如何,他们都不会错过埃菲尔铁塔的风景,并在此留下永不褪色的记忆影像。In any case, the memories of the Eiffel Tower will be etched forever in their minds, unfading and timeless.

每个时代都有些特别流行的事物,给经过那个时代的小朋友烙上了成长的印记。Every age has its own stuff and games of popularity, leaving those grown up in this age with unfading recollections.

该产品具有环保、色彩丰富、不易褪色的装饰效果。The products made possess the decorating effects of green and pro-environment, rich color, magnificence, and unfading.

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每件货物包装上用不褪色的涂料标明毛重、净重、包装号、尺寸及标识。Each package shall be stenciled with unfading pigment the gross and net weight, package No. , measurement and shipping marks.

似乎一股未经时光触碰的永恒的清新令它们生机勃发,好似一种永不消退的青春气息在激励着它们。They bloom with an eternal freshness that seems untouched by time, as though they had been inspired by an unfading spirit of youth.

公司生产的各类高档水晶马赛克,色泽纯正,典雅大方,具有经久耐用、永不褪色的特点。All kinds of the high-grade crystal and mosaic products we produce are pure in colour , elegant and graceful , long-lived and unfading.

而是因为这些照片不仅是一段失败恋情的纪念,同时也是你人生某些时刻的缩影和记录,它们是永久的不可磨灭的记忆。But these pictures aren't just small monuments to a failed romance, they're high-resolution instants from your life, recorded forever, unfading.

看着这样的字眼,谁能不被青春感动,谁能不被激情感染,谁能不为梦想而追逐,谁又能不为深情震撼。Hearing their words, who dare say he is not moved by vibrant youth, not affected by unfading passion, not seized by colorful dreams and not struck by deep affection. Look!

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该产品高光泽度,视觉柔和,耐水洗,不褪色,抗磨擦性能优越,并具有一定的耐热防回粘能力。This washable, unfading and visually gentle product has high glossiness, superior wear resistance as well as the ability in heat resisting and anti after tack to some extent.