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当然还应该试着吃生物动力食品。And, of course, try to eat biodynamic food.

我们拥有12公顷的葡萄圆,完全以天然方式种植。We have 12 ha of vineyard cultivated in biodynamic.

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天然,有机,生态和生物动力农业。Natural, Organic, Biolotical, Ecological And Biodynamic Farming.

在德国和法国,生物动力酿酒厂的普遍存在已有时日了。In Germany and France biodynamic wineries have existed widely for some time.

我们也采用了许多生物动力农业、永久农业、以及整体复原技术。We also use some of the techniques of biodynamic farming, permaculture and holistic healing.

金盏花的镇静作用可以帮助牙龈和口腔维持健康。Biodynamic Calendula, a soothing herb, helps keep the gums and oral cavity in good condition.

我们热烈地邀请你加入到我们这个'教育者们的百千绿色生物活力有机农耕会议'中来。We warmly invite you to join us for this A Thousand Shades of Green Biodynamic Conference for Educators.

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说到这你也许会想,一转眼的功夫我们就进入了有机革命的新产物——生物动力食品时代。So you might think that now is no time to get into biodynamic food, a spin-off of the organic revolution.

为了把某些生物动力学原则引入到我们的日常生活中来,帕森斯建议我们试着生活得更有规律一些。To introduce some biodynamic principles into your life, Parsons suggests we try to live more rhythmically.

不过他们转用生物动态耕种后,在一造农作物之后,就可还清欠债。But when they converted to biodynamic farming, they were able to repay their debt after only one cropping season.

在月球的上行阶段,农作物的精华都聚集在上层,这在动力生物学看来是收割作物的最佳时期。During an ascending moon, the upper plant is filled with vitality, which, in biodynamic terms, is a perfect time to harvest.

富含充满能量的活机和有机的洋甘菊、金盏花、药蜀葵和玫瑰,可舒缓及平衡肌肤。Rich in the living energy of biodynamic and organic Chamomile, Calendula, Marshmallow and Rose, this oil soothes and balances skin.

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在把有机食品贬得一文不值的时候,是否有什么与身体健康息息相关的正当理由值得我们来建立一个标准并选择生物动力食品呢?Given that organic food has been rubbished of late, is there any reasonable health imperative to step up a level and choose biodynamic?

目的了解放射损伤条件下骨髓细胞的生物力学特性及与细胞间相互作用的关系。Objective To explore the biodynamic properties of bone marrow cells and the relation with cell cell interaction in radiation injury mice.

我们一直致力于提高葡萄园的品质,用生物方式种植,为终端客户提供最优质的瓶装葡萄酒。Everyday we invest in improving the quality of our vineyards, growing in biodynamic ways to give our final consumers the best in our bottles.

她首次为生物动力葡萄酒饮用者们制定了一张日程表,讲解了该喝什么样的葡萄酒以及每种酒应在月球运行周期的哪个阶段喝。For the first time, she has published a calendar for biodynamic wine drinkers, which explains what to drink at what point on the lunar cycle.

昨晚的“超级月亮”可能会对世界各地葡萄酒的味道和葡萄树的生长产生一定的影响,一起来看看生物动力法的支持者们怎么说吧!The Supermoon could affect the taste of wines and development of vines around the world. Followers of biodynamic principles offer some insights in this article.

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你选择生物动力食品也许只是为了减少你的总碳摄入量,但从长远来看,其秉持的可持续发展原会给我们带来更多好处。You would choose biodynamic food to cut down your overall toxic intake. But it's the principles of sustainability that will prove more beneficial in the long term.

虽然农场主要依靠雨水灌溉,不过使用生物动态和多元化耕种技术,即使灌溉量不高,也不致影响农民的产量。Even though the farm is rain-fed, with biodynamic and diversified farming, a limited supply of water is not necessarily a hindrance to a farm's productive capacity.

无论是在法国还是在澳大利亚,查普提尔都真实的表现着他们的传统和热情,与土地打交道,生产最好的葡萄酒。Whether in France or in Australia Chapoutier is true to its tradition and its passion, to work with the soil using biodynamic methods to produce the finest of wines.