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Edie回首他们特殊的友谊。Edie looks back on their special friendship.

我刚看完电影回来。伊迪家着火了?MP3 I just got back from the movies. Edie had a fire?

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爱狄和母亲都感谢主的信实。Edie and her mom thanked the Lord for His faithfulness.

这样大概过了两个星期,爱狄都带著沮丧心情回家。After about two weeks, Edie came home looking so discouraged.

尹迪威尔斯说,一位租住这类房屋的艺术家说。said Edie Wells, an artist who rents a room in the Bone House.

伊迪·西敏斯说过,前两天晚上她曾用鸡汤炖肉。Edie Simmins said she cooked the meat the other night in chicken broth.

在102岁的伊迪·希姆斯女士的待办清单中,有一项不寻常的任务。Edie Simms is a 102-year-old woman with an unusual item on her to-do list.

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在施工现场,伊迪和一些工人一起检查了设计蓝图。At the construction site, Edie looks over blueprints with some of the workers.

每一次爱狄都向上看著她们说∶「我很愿意成为你们的朋友」。Each time, Edie looked up at them and said, "I'd really like to be your friend."

安迪沃霍尔的要求,卢里德写关于沃霍尔的超级巨星伊迪塞奇威克的歌曲。At Andy Warhol's request, Lou Reed wrote the song about "Warhol superstar" Edie Sedgwick.

爱狄发觉她们有许多功课都不懂,于是爱狄就成为她们的补习老师了!She had noticed that they were disruptive because they didn't understand the lessons. Edie became their tutor.

对于牵涉DOMA案在内的伊迪·温莎而言,因为自己的已故配偶是一位女性而面对她所说的不平等的待遇后。For Edie Windsor who brought the DOMA case after facing what she called unequal treatment because her late spouse was a woman.

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洪保德州立大学的艾蒂·马特勒手拿的是一块1890年代的玻璃板底片,它记录的是无数被砍倒的巨型参天大木之一。A glass-plate negative from the 1890s, held by Edie Butler of Humboldt State University, records one of countless fallen giants.

为了更好地诠释伊迪-塞奇威克这个角色,西耶娜-米勒必须发挥她的大眼睛和性感长腿的魅力。To play the part of Edie Sedgwick with any conviction Sienna Miller had to employ the skills of her enormous eyes and long, nubile legs.

孤身一人,在名望的压力下,伊迪挣扎着保持着自我,迅速消耗的生命把她的世界从魔力转为悲剧。All alone, Edie struggles to hold herself together as the pressures of fame and the cost of the fast life turn her world from glamour to tragedy.

埃迪。克兰的姨妈丹带着克兰家的几个孩子,常常还有我,到处玩——有时看电影,有时去雪泉公园游泳,池子里的水来自天然泉眼,冰冷彻骨。Edie Crane's Aunt Dan took the Crane kids, and often me, everywhere—to the movies, to Snow Springs Park to swim in a pool fed by very cold spring-water, and to Whittington Park to play miniature golf.