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一些非物质的目标,并不会改变。With nonmaterial things, the target does not move.

我高度留意非物质方面的生活。I am highly aware of the nonmaterial aspects of life.

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并非由于先前,有什么非物质在里面It's not as though previously there was something nonmaterial there.

2006年被列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。It was listed the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage list in 2006.

2006年四胡被列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。It was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage list in 2006.

河西走廊区域经济的增长具有一定的物质和非物质条件。The regional development of Hexi area possesses certain material and nonmaterial conditions.

2006年马头琴已被列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。Mongol stringed instrument was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage list in 2006.

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桑植民歌于2006年列入我国第一批国家级非物质文化遗产保护名录。Sangzhi folk song was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage protection lists in 2006.

2006年“德化瓷烧制工艺”被国务院公布为第一批国家级非物质文化遗产。Te-hua porcelain has been listed among the first batch of national nonmaterial cultural heritage in 2006 by State Council.

随着可支配收入和闲暇时间的增加,人们对非物质产品消费的比重出现快速递增的趋势。With increasing of leisure time and income, a new trend of progressive increase in consumption on nonmaterial products occurs.

“呼麦”是蒙古族特有的一种声乐艺术,2006年被列入第一批国家非物质文化遗产名录。Humai is a special vocality art of Mongol minority, which was listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage lists.

身为信奉自由市场理论的撰稿人,巴斯夏进一步争辩说,非物质的服务和物质财货一样,都要受经济规律的制约。As a free-market journalist, Bastiat also argued that nonmaterial services are subject to the same economic laws as material goods.

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传统的水密隔舱造船技术至今在福建沿海地区还保留着,是一项应当大力保护的非物质文化遗产。The traditional technology is still used in the coastal areas in Fujian, which needs protection as a nonmaterial cultural heritage.

它是至今我国保留最古老、最具民族特色的泥塑类手工制品,被列为国家非物质文化遗产。It is the most ancient and traditional mud handcraft preserved in China and has been listed in the national nonmaterial cultural legacy.

拱型桥表面的铸铁文字,将古代文人在惠州留下的非物质的文化财富有机地转化为真实、可视、可感的物质形态。The iron Chinese characters on the surface of the bridges transform the nonmaterial culture to some real, visible, and touchable materials.

发绣艺术是江苏省盐城市东台县历史传承下来的非物质文化遗产,是一门手工技艺。Hair-embroidery skill is nonmaterial culture heritage passed down in Dongtai county, Yancheng city, Jiangsu province, and is a craftsmanship.

但是这个观点的关键之处在于,从哲学角度对心灵的恰当理解,必须是在非物理的条件下去思考的,非物质的条件But the crucial point for this view is that the proper metaphysical understanding of the mind is to think of it in nonphysical terms, nonmaterial terms.

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当我的非物质文化思想不再起作用时,当它不再能够帮助我认识世界时,我经历一种被称做“文化冲击”的迷惑。When my nonmaterial culture failed me — when it no longer enabled me to make sense out of the world — I experienced disorientation known as culture shock.

孩子可能首先提及玩具,但要鼓励他们列出必需品,比如衣食住方面,以及非物质上的给予,比如爱、乐趣和关怀。Children may first mention toys, but encourage them to list essentials like meals, shelter, clothing, and nonmaterial things like encouragement, love, fun and caring.

中国非物质文化遗产承载着优秀传统文化的精髓与品格而作为中华民族精神的“活态”徽号承传至今。Being the carrier of the essence of excellent traditional culture, Chinese nonmaterial cultural heritage passes down until today as a symbol of Chinese national spirit.