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她将要在星期二到密尔瓦基。She goes to Milwaukee on Tuesday.

但密尔沃基的预期却在上升You notice Milwaukee is going up.

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贾巴尔也赢得三与密尔沃基雄鹿队。Abdul-Jabbar also won three with the Milwaukee Bucks.

密尔沃基在这段期间内非常平稳Milwaukee has been extremely steady over this period.

签下密尔沃基的前全明星怎么样?How about by fleecing Milwaukee out of a former all-star?

鹿使得对手有21次失误,而自己只有13次。Milwaukee forced 21 Utah turnovers while committing only 13.

效力于密尔沃基雄鹿队,一直拥有非常出色的表现。NBA and has had a very successful season with the Milwaukee Bucks.

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上周在密尔沃基进行的比赛约翰·亨利·威廉斯没有出场。John Henry Williams was a no-show at last week's game in Milwaukee.

006年洛杉矶和密尔沃基的,预期走势持平Los Angeles and Milwaukee were tied in 2006 for their expectations.

洛杉矶,和密尔沃基有些不同So, there was something different between Los Angeles and Milwaukee.

美国威斯康星州的东南密尔沃基的郊区。人口16,813。A city of southeast Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee. Population, 16,813.

美国威斯康星州东南部的城市,位于密耳瓦基城郊。人口33,592。A city of southeast Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee. Population, 33,592.

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因此,易在密尔沃基,每个人都该感到高兴。Thus, just about everyone appears to be happy with Yi being in Milwaukee.

雄鹿今天下午抵达广州,密尔沃基市市长一同前往。Bucks arrived in Guangzhou this afternoon, the mayor of Milwaukee to join.

但易的经验,可能会测试与篮网,因为它是在密尔瓦基。But Yi's experience might be tested with the Nets, as it was in Milwaukee.

最后,我现在美国密尔沃基地区教授陈式心意混元太极拳。To that end, I now teach Hunyuan Chen style Taijiquan in the Milwaukee area.

乔治·伊文思星期六还在这里。他说上星期在密瓦珙城看见你了。George Evans was in here Saturday and said he saw you in Milwaukee last week.

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美国威斯康星州东南部一城市,密尔沃基的居住郊区。人口2,855。A city of southeast Wisconsin, a residential suburb of Milwaukee. Population, 2,855.

美国威斯康星州东南部的一城市,密尔沃基的一个近郊居民区。人口33,403。A city of southeast Wisconsin, a residential suburb of Milwaukee. Population, 33,403.

他说,福克斯市是本州中除了密尔沃基和沃索之后的第三大苗族聚居区。He said it is the third largest cluster of Hmong in the state after Milwaukee and Wausau.