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她是个很会讨顾客喜欢的女招待。She is very pleasing waitress.

这幅油画可真够养眼的。This oil painting is very pleasing.

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作为踩镲,声音非常令人满意。Very pleasing crash sound for hats.

只有通过取悦,才能迎来成功。Only through pleasing does success come.

她唱歌的颤音一点也不悦耳。Her trills are far from pleasing to the ear.

嗰真好。对不起,我必须嘚走了。Oh, how pleasing. Sorry, I've got to go now.

茶芽饱满重实,香高味爽。The tea buds are plump with pleasing flavor.

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黄金创奇迹,丑人有魅力。Gold give to the ugliest a certain pleasing charm.

她的唱腔很有韵味。Her singing has a special pleasing quality about it.

我心伤悲,命运弄人,与汝同殇。Though fortune does be pleasing I 'll go along with you.

她自认愉悦的美学观只会使情况变得更加恶心。Her pleasing esthetics only makes this situation more vile.

不仅如此,雅致的点缀还使得这些小菜非常之赏心悦目呢!Elegant garnishes make these dishes pleasing to the eye, too.

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友情是无价的,请珍惜每一份友谊吧。The friendship is invaluable, pleasing cherish each a comity.

更棒的是这还很适合早期的真核细胞。Even more pleasing is its relevance to early eukaryotic cells.

这就是所谓的养眼养心。This is the so-called pleasing the eyes and refreshing the mind.

有一缕宜人的清香从悬挂在房间中的香袋散发出来。There is a pleasing scent given off by a sachet hung in the room.

漂亮的女人悦目,成熟的女人悦心。A beautiful woman and pleasing to the eye, mature woman yue heart.

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一簇簇二三十层的楼群气势磅礴,赏心悦目。Clusters of 20 to 30-storey buildings are magnificent and pleasing.

这两位真的是如胶似漆,而同框的画风也真的是非常赏心悦目的。They really stick like glue, and the picture is perfectly pleasing.

他建此园是取悦于双亲,让他们安享晚年。He built this garden is pleasing the parents, let them, an old lady.