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比比皆是的木镶板很易弯曲变形。The abundant wood paneling is prone to warping.

对于丰富,温暖的环境,硬木镶板是不会被淘汰的。For a rich, warm setting, hardwood paneling can't be beat.

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他刮掉糊墙纸,看到了里面的镶板。He scraped away the wallpaper and found paneling underneath.

木制镶板淡化了内部制度化的气氛。Wood paneling softens the institutional feel of the interior.

油漆工油漆了木质镶板来模仿大理石。The decorator had the wood paneling painted to imitate marble.

圣所中一切雕刻的、们现在用斧子锤子打坏了。They smashed all the carved paneling with their axes and hatchets.

壁板中镶嵌的是260块稀有的古印度波斯特色的微雕。Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage.

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我伤心地站在办公室门口,恨不得消失在门缝里。Standing there in the office, miserable, I wanted to vanish into the paneling.

我伤心地站在办公室门口,恨不得消失在门缝里。Standing there in the office, miserable, I wanted to vanish into the paneling.

我特别喜欢卧室里的那些用木头雕刻成的挂在松木墙上的动物,它们看起来棒极了。I got a great carpenter that I know to install pine v-groove paneling throughout.

两个月前,我和妻子决定在厨房里装上木镶板。A couple months ago, my wife and I decided to put up wood paneling in the kitchen.

这是一个面包车,这是第一在自己的品牌,不要有一个聚合物方面的镶板。It is a minivan that is the first in its brand not to have a polymer side paneling.

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灰色的墙壁用漆白的松木条隔成镶板的模样。The grey walls were divided into artificial paneling by strips of white-enameled pine.

我住的房间很宽敞,有向里凹陷很深的窗户,油漆过的十八世纪的镶花地板。My rooms were large, with deeply recessed windows and painted, eighteenth-century paneling.

原有的建筑细节,包括宽板松木地板、装饰嵌线和镶板随处可见。Original architectural details include wide-plank pine floors, molding and wall paneling throughout.

质地沉厚,坚久耐用的硬木。用于家具,门窗框,和镶板。A beautiful heavy, hard, and strong hardwood tree. This is used for furniture, millwork and paneling.

该车的内部采用实木和金属饰板以及新设计的中控台。Inside, occupants are treated to real wood and metal paneling as well as a new-design center console.

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婚宴饭店矗立在黄浦江畔,就像在木板画上树立起的一座高大雄伟的水晶装饰灯。The hotel, overlooking the Huangpu River, featured wood paneling and large, majestic crystal chandeliers.

华贵的木护墙板,舒适的座椅,商务酒廊绝对是各种小型非正式会议的完美选择。The Business Lounge, with its stately wood paneling and comfortable seating is ideal for small or informal meetings.

本实用新型涉及一种镶板式骨灰盒,属骨灰盒制造领域。The utility model relates to a paneling cinerary casket, which belongs to the manufacturing field of cinerary casket.