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第四阶段学习刀法。Phase IV study sword skill.

目前是否存在公众恐慌?IV. Is there a panic so far?

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我病了,需要打吊瓶。I'm sick, in need of an IV drip.

第四章讲人的存在的方式。Chapter IV about human existence.

很多安全套的非安全性。IV. A lot of condom non-security.

今天我咳得很历害。My cough iv very troublesome today.

亨利四世篡夺了英国的王位。Henry IV usurped the throne of England.

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第四部分是实证分析。Part IV is the demonstrational analyze.

就用输液杆支撑着点,我也扶着你。Just use the IV pole and me for support.

我很诧异亨利四世的亵渎的话竟会是这个。This astonishes me on the part of Henri IV.

给每幅图写一个小对话。IV. Write a short dialogue for each picture.

我们的工作与人生要在主台前受审判。IV. Our works will be judged at Christ's Bema.

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除非我脱水了,否则我不需要点嘀。I do not want an IV unless I become dehydrated.

第四部分总结东蒙总分会的历史作用。Part IV summed up the branch's role in history.

第四章法官职业意识。Chapter IV. Professional Consciousness of Judge.

全员品管,创山山产品无不良。IV. Full quality control, a hill no bad products.

这是亨利四世丢掉头颅的关键时间。It was at this point that Henry IV lost his head.

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第四阶段产业化尚在酝酿阶段。Phase IV is still brewing industrialization stage.

在静脉注射管上没有杰克逊的指纹。No Jackson fingerprints were found on IV equipment.