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总之,和那里的气候一样,热辣、奔放、张扬。In short, and where the climate, and hot, untrammeled , publicity.

西班牙的舞蹈热情奔放,我很喜欢。Spanish dancing is very passionate and untrammeled. I really like it.

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节省更多不必要的开销,尽情享受做一个无拘无束的背包客!Save more unnecessary cost and enjoy being a free and untrammeled backpacker.

何不节省豪华套房、游团的花费,做一个自由自在、受束缚的背包客。Save more unnecessary cost and enjoy being a free and untrammeled backpacker.

儿子被同学打伤,妈妈让他拿一块蛋糕送给同学,表示友好。When his schoolmate made the last goal, the boy gave out with an untrammeled yell.

许多人都向往回归自然,作为他们躲避现代技术侵占的世外桃源。A large segment of mankind turns to untrammeled nature as a last refuge from encroaching technology.

如果人们一般能够对政治言论自由给予接受,那么对其他类型的言论呢?If the people in general accept the notion of untrammeled political speech, what about other forms of expression?

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这是个国与国之间市场竞争自由的世界,它无法提供一种自动应对这些挑战的机制。A world of untrammeled market forces and competing nation-states offers no automatic solutions to these challenges.

我震撼于这种美丽的渲染,我震撼于这种热情的豪迈,火热、奔放、活力四射。I am shocked at such a beautiful play, I shocked in this enthusiasm proud fiery, untrammeled , vitality directions.

在美国,由于无休止地追求利润,所以控制土壤侵蚀特别不合算。Erosion control of soil is particularly uneconomical in the United States because of the untrammeled pursuit of profits.

它作为一种最自由最简单的艺术表现形式,在短时间里得以普及。It is such a kind of manifestation, which is untrammeled and simple, that can disseminate around the world in a short time.

她在一次采访中说,她的自我风格并不只是为了吸引别人的注意,而更多是在不拘一格地表达她的个性。Her own style is not so much a bid for attention as the untrammeled expression of her personality, she said in an interview.

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“荒野”是阿拉斯加沿岸未被开垦的处女地,而“野性”则处处都有,它可以身处密林深处,亦可以隐匿在你家的后花园中。While wilderness might be untrammeled land along the Alaskan coast, wildness can happen anywhere —in the jungle or your backyard.

三是选购那些或奔放、或优雅、或明快、或宁静、或浓艳、或浅淡,能与居住者的性格、爱好相投的画。Third, those who buy or untrammeled , or elegant, or care, or quiet, or rich and gaudy, or Jiandan, with occupants character and love enough paintings.

而这正是老子教导的后两条产生作用的地方。在充满不确定性和“脱钩”的市场上,自私和毫无约束的利润欲望没用。And that is where the last two teachings by Lao-tzu come in. Selfishness and untrammeled desire for profits have no use in uncertain and "decoupled" markets.

它就想自己所有的图标都整齐规整,软件都是注册过的,更新的信息能够畅通无阻的蹦出来,也就让自己能每天都进步着。It just wants a world where all its icons are tidily arranged, software is licensed, upgrade messages flow untrammeled and it feels better every day, in every way.

其中一间名为“韩丽宅配”的深圳企业在本次建博会出尽风头,它们带来了时尚、奔放和整洁的一体化厨房。One named "Han encouragement" Shenzhen enterprises built in this series always in the limelight, they brought fashion, untrammeled and the integration of the kitchen tidy.

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不同的黄色搭配在一起,灿烂奔放之中又有着沉潜妖娆的印象,带来温暖热烈的视觉感受,是非常适合节日的一种卧室颜色搭配。Amber different mix together brilliant untrammeled thinking of a story and the impression that bring warm feelings warm visual, is very suitable for a bedroom festive colour mix.

我只是站在很遥远的地方看着你成长,因为那是你的路,忧伤也好,快乐也罢,都是完完全全属于你一个人的自在自得的路。If you can find blessedness, my benison is that I can see you will be happy in faraway country. It's your choice, whether sad or happy, it's a untrammeled way belongs to you absolutely.

把自由理性和个人自由置于,文明的中心就会伴随着冲突与矛盾,混乱和不安定,以及一些其他的不良影响To put untrammeled reasons and individual freedom at the center of a civilization is to live with the conflict, the turmoil, the instability, and the uncertainty that these things create.