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她人好么?Is she nice?

很漂亮的。It's very nice.

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那很好。Oh, that's nice.

她真香。She smells nice.

那样才好。That'll be nice.

是的,-是的,不错。Yes. -Yes, nice.

我有一个好太太。I got a nice lady.

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今天天气不错呀。Nice weather today!

嘟嘟这个名字很好听。Dudu is a nice name.

咪咪这个名字很好听。Mimi is a nice name.

很高兴见到你,汤姆。Nice to see you,Tom.

她有个漂亮的屁股。She has a nice tush.

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那一款看起来不错!This one look nice !

多好的簪子!What a nice hairpin!

一个适宜居住的地方。A nice place to stay.

很高兴见到你汤姆。Nice to meet you,Tom.

相当高兴见到你,汤姆。Nice to see you, Tom.

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饼尝起来很香。The cake tastes nice.

帅男人不好。The men are not nice.

那汤闻起来好香。The soup smells nice.