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那哪是蒙古包啊。They are not Mongol yurts.

杭盖,一个古老的蒙古语单词。Hang Gai, an ancient Mongol word.

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宋祖英是苗族人,白岩松是蒙古族。Song Zuying is Miao. Bai Yansong is Mongol.

他是个蒙族女孩叫玛丽卡。Her name is Malika and she is a Mongol girl.

内蒙古马先蒿属一新变种。A new variety of Pedicularis from Nei Mongol.

固定腐败旗帜蒙古人启动单位。Fixed corrupt banners for Mongol strat units.

“扁食”一名,可能出自蒙古语。"Flat food "One , Probably proceed the Mongol.

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在西方,一支蒙古军队入侵东欧。In the west, a Mongol army invaded eastern Europe.

成吉思汗,伟大的蒙古皇帝,出生。Chinggis Khaan, the great Mongol emperor, was born.

不,他居住在蒙古帝国的土地上。NO. He lives in the territory of the Mongol empire.

成吉思汗完成对天山南北的政治统一。Mongol ruler who succeeded his father, Genghis Khan.

席间,我们歌唱,并用蒙语朗诵诗歌。During banquet, we sang, and recited poetry in Mongol.

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1234年并入蒙古察合台汗国。Incorporated into the Mongol Chagatai Khanate in 1234.

人物形象仿照留有八字胡的古代蒙古人的形象。Have modeled images of the ancient Mongol Bazihu image.

他知道他的下一个草原和蒙古马的感觉。He knows the steppe and the feel of a Mongol horse under him.

扎赉特旗蒙古人的出售和购买的商品中,农产品的比重越来越大。Thirdly, more and more farm produce had been traded by Mongol.

这首乐曲为马头琴多声部组合开拓了新的思路。The music developed a new concept for Mongol stringed instrument.

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正在1234年他们服从于联合蒙昔人和宋队伍。In 1234 they succumbed to combined Mongol and Song Dynasty forces.

在一二七四年,蒙古统治者忽必烈汗第一次进侵日本。The year 1274 saw Mongol ruler Kublai Khan's first invasion of Japan.

扎赉特旗蒙古人农耕定居后,物资交易有了新的特点。After farming settled, there are new characteristics with Jalaid Mongol.