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用搅拌机打成黄瓜泥。Puree cucumber in a blender.

加入退冰后的蓝莓打成泥状。Add thawed blueberries in and puree.

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洋葱可以煮一下打成糊。Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree.

置于食品搅拌机内,搅成浓汤。Blitz in a food processor to a chunky puree.

哦,一个不错的泥或浓汤也好的!Oh, a nice puree or bisque would be nice too.

锅中加入西红柿块和西红柿酱及鸡汤,大火烧开。Stir in tomatoes, tomato puree and chicken broth.

用漏勺轧土豆做成土豆泥。Push the potatoes through a sieve to make a puree.

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把黄瓜放入搅拌机打成泥,和酸奶混合在一起。Puree the cucumber in a blender. Mix in the yoghurt.

然后去核再将李子加工成糊状。Then stone the fruit and process the plums to a puree.

准备香蕉茸。将香蕉和奶用搅拌机打烂。Prepare banana puree. Add banana and milk into the mixer.

另用一个碗混匀南瓜茸和米汤。In a separate bowl, mix pumpkin puree and rice milk together.

切碎1个黄瓜,和4大汤匙薄荷在搅拌机里搅拌成泥。Chop 1 cucumber and puree in a blender with 4 tablespoons mint.

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蒜泥加酱油,也可配萝卜条等。Garlic Puree and soy sauce, can also be assigned, such as radish.

最后把南瓜泥放在一块粗棉布上过滤掉多余的水分。Drain the puree on cheesecloth in a colander to remove excess water.

把桃泥倒入冷却的糖水中搅拌,加入汽水和柠檬汁。Combine peach puree with cooled sugar syrup, club soda and lime juice.

这时,把前面切碎的桃肉放入食物搅拌机里直到变成桃泥。Meanwhile, put the peaches in a food processor and puree until smooth.

搅拌好后倒入碗中,加入羊肉,使用盐和胡椒调味。Transfer purée to a bowl. Add lamb, season with salt and pepper and combine.

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把水果的原浆果汁和其他材料一起混合起来,倒入冰淇淋机内。Puree fruit in blender, combine everything and pour into the ice cream maker.

放至微凉。用搅拌机把豆子打烂。Cool slightly. Working in batches, puree soup in blender until completely smooth.

压蒜器则可以把整只带皮的蒜头或是成片的洋葱都压碎。The garlic press will purée a whole, unpeeled dove of garlic, or pieces of onion.