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他们放高利贷。They lend out money on usury.

高利贷是指超过法定利率取息。Usury is interest in excess of a legal rate.

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他说,这项法案没有解决高利贷问题。He said the bill fails to address usury issues.

我们通常与在国外的本国人民用平信联系。We usury correspond with OUr people abroad in clear.

你如何打断这条利益之链?How does one break the chain of usury of such a nature?

这个石油大亨被指控犯有放高利贷罪。The oil magnate was charged with being guilty of usury.

没有收费最高限额或针对放高利贷的相关法律保护,我们就只能任由银行家宰割了。Without fee caps or usury laws, we're in the bankers'hands.

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这些建议超出了陈腐的高利贷讨论。These recommendations go far beyond the stale usury debates.

江苏泗洪县,村民们形容当地高利贷的泡沫。Jiangsu Sihong County, the villagers describe local usury foam.

他还给放高利贷的王哥打电话,愿意用金条股票等东西借款。He also usury Wang Ge call, are willing to use gold stocks, etc.

出于维护消费者的利益,我们必需重新修订高利贷的国家法律。We need to reinstate a national usury law for consumer interest.

斡脱钱就是指元代的高利贷。Wotuo money" is a kind of usury described in Zaju of Yuan Dynasty."

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放高利贷最密集的石集乡,被称为“宝马乡”。Usury is the most intensive stone village, known as the" BMW rural".

反高利贷法只会让事情更为恶化,还损害了自由和有益的贷款。Usury laws only make things worse, and injure free and productive credit.

吴刚、刘彩胜出事前一个月,是当地高利贷最“疯狂”时期。Wu Gang, Liu Caisheng accident a month ago, local usury most" Crazy" period.

高利贷对贷款收取高额利息的非法操作。Usury Illegal practice of charging an excessively high interest rate on loans.

要通知银行你的税号以避免缴纳高利息税。The duty sign that should notice a bank you grows with avoiding pay usury duty.

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反高利贷法阻碍的不仅是政府债务,还有其他的借贷。Usury lawswould cripple not only government debt, but also other forms of borrowing.

反高利贷法阻碍的不仅是政府债务,还有其他的借贷。Usury laws would cripple not only government debt, but also other forms of borrowing.

他们站在传统的道德立场上支持针对所谓的“无生产力”货币的反高利贷法。Usury laws were upheld on traditional moralistic grounds of alleged "sterility" of money.