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颊部有紫蓝色斑点。Buccal have purplish blue stain.

花开到老时它们就变成棕紫色。As they age they turn purplish brown.

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她身穿一件紫色披肩,桃红色长袍。She is in a purplish mantle, pink gown.

中等色度至较淡的蓝色,或淡紫蓝色。A moderate to pale blue or purplish blue.

它们的范围从紫红的桔红色。They range from purplish red to orangey red.

城市的天空已经由紫黑转成…The city sky is turning from purplish black to.

本品呈樱桃红,折射紫色,晶莹剔透。Black cherry reddish colour with purplish reflections.

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其中的一些让蓝或紫色色调的光线。Some of these give a bluish or purplish tinge to the light.

深紫色泽令此酒极富特色。The wine is characterized by a very intense purplish color.

胞浆和核仁呈蓝色略带紫红色。Cytoplast and nucleolus were blue with a little purplish red color.

欧洲的一种兰花,花穗状、绿色略带桃色或紫色。European orchid with spikes of green and pinkish or purplish flowers.

这年,我们用紫色块茎中的芋头,南瓜豆腐泡。This year, we used the purplish tuber in taro and pumpkin tofu puffs.

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想象一下,那紫红的樱桃是性感的尤物,怎么能从我的口中逃掉呢?!Imagine , the cherries, that purplish red so sexy . How can flee from my mouth?

莉纳做得太多了,她会它们捏成紫色的糖果。Lena would make an excess of it, which she would pinch up into purplish bonbons.

她的脸几乎变成了紫色,还有些白色的小斑点。Her face became purplish except for little, white marks over it that didn't heat up.

他的利斧从里面放出深紫的淤血和姜汁状的脑浆。Before his axe released from it purplish blood clots and ginger-juice-colored brains.

主要生长在黄壤和酸性紫色土上,黄棕壤上与有分布。It mainly grows on yellow soils, acid purplish soils and parts of yellow brown soils.

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下方这片略带紫色的平原被称为哈塔,在鲍里构造中它是一个更久远的时间窗口。The purplish beds below us are called Hata, a deeper time window in the Bouri formation.

这是一个秋天的夜晚,天空布满暗紫色的云彩,但是没有下雨。It was an autumn night with a sky overcast by purplish -black clouds, but free from rain.

想象一下,那紫红的樱桃是性感的尤物,怎么能从我的口中逃掉呢?!Imagine , the cherries, that purplish red cherries, so sexy . How can get away from my mouth?