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他是一个能力很广的人。He is a man of varied powers.

所以,我觉得这里相当混杂。So I find it really quite varied.

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艺术的形式是多种多样的。The forms of art are many and varied.

我走向内地的原因有很多。My reasons to go upcountry are varied.

各国对此问题反应不一。Responses to this problem have varied.

然后,你更换不同的作物,在土地上轮作So, you have varied crops, among them.

多姿多彩的集邮方式②。Varied ways and means of philately ii.

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你的社交生活开始丰富和变化。Your social life will be rich and varied.

热中于了解与学习最新的技术。Excited to pick new and varied techniques.

它更加的多样化,更多彩也更复杂。It's much more varied.It's much more complex.

枯鞘株个体群的大小随时间序列而变化。The colonies for dead sheath varied with time.

昭君诗的内容随时代不同而发生变化。The content of Zhaojun poems varied with times.

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我听见亚美利加在歌唱,多种多样的欢歌回响耳际。I hear America singing, its varied carols I hear.

朝代不同,眉毛的式样也不同。Shapes of eyebrows varied in different dynasties.

从口述史的类型看,其具有丰富性和多样性。As for the types of oral history, they are varied.

中国食物丰富和多样性绝世无双。Chinese food is as rich and varied as any on earth.

有效的浸种时间因结缕草种子质量不同而异。The best soaking duration varied with seed quality.

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中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。Chinese commodities available for export are varied.

塑料可塑成各种复杂的形状。Plastic may he cast into varied and intricate shapes.

交配后行为多样。The male behaviours were varied after the copulations.