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他的胡须又白又长。His beard is white ang long.

我爱李安,他是个真男人!I love Ang Lee. He's the man.

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否决否认以及否定。I deny , disaffirm ang disavow that.

洪江海先生于2007年加入锦江集团。Alex Ang joined Jin Jiang Hotels in 2007.

他的父母和亲戚们都很喜欢我。His parents ang relatives liked me a lot.

我们把这个世界看错了,反说它欺骗我们。We read the world wrong ang say that it deceives us.

体验在宏茂桥的中心地带赛车!Experience Go-Kart racing in the heartlands of Ang Mo Kio!

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书读得少,电视看得勤,却难得祷告。Read too little , watch TV too often, ang pray too seldom.

第三节,庐剧剧种与昂家庐剧戏班的艺术实践。Lu Opera Troupe of Ang Family mainly has two kinds of performances.

亨利最近工作太辛苦了。他确实需要好好休息一下了。Herry has been working too hard recently. He really needs some R ang R.

告诉我亲爱的,为什么我可以穿透任何我想穿透的目标,却不能射穿我爱人的心。Tell me , dear why can I pierce ang target I will , but not my love's heart.

但愿能用我的心缠住你的双足,把它们紧紧抱在我胸前!Could I but entangle your feet with mt heart ang hold them fast to my breast!

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我认为像是李安跟章子怡这些人的成功对我们来说都是个帮助。I think that the success of people like Ang Lee and Zhang Ziyi helps all of us.

画面大,远视强这两个特点是相联系的。Malaking screen, mataas hyperopia, ang mga ito ng dalawang mga tampok ay na-link.

在李安的艺术生涯中,他一直在追寻更深刻的主题。Throughout his career, Ang Lee has sought to explore complex themes in his movies.

法官比琳达.安格宣布她会考虑各方辩辞,稍后作出裁决。Justice Belinda Ang said she would consider the arguments and issue her ruling later.

研究氡及其子体联合烟草吸入对大鼠肺与血细胞的氧化应激损伤。To study the redox damage of lung ang blood in rats inhaled radon and Tabacco smoking.

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现在我焦急地等待那要刊在八月十日海峻时报上的结果。Now I am anxiously awaiting the result to be published on the Straits Times of Ang. 15.

每个人都认为爱情是美妙绝伦且并不可少的,然而对于什么是爱情却没有人能达成共识。Everyone admits that Love is wonderful ang necessary, yet no one agrees on just what it is.

李安电影作为一种知识分子话语系统而富有强烈的思辨性。As a kind of discourse system of intellectual, Ang Lee's movies have a strong speculativity.