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专家说,大多数人和向我们撒谎的人合谋。The experts say most of us collude with those who lie to us.

这里面就包含了很多勾通的学问。Faced and then included a lot of knowledge for collude with here.

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为什么他们不总把对方招供出来,有些企业也能串通好呢They don't always rat each other out and some firms manage to collude?

这些年来,商人们不在互相攻击,而是勾结起来让商品保持高价位。These days businesses don't destroy each other but collude to keep prices high.

丞相宇文化及为了夺取皇位同突厥暗中勾结。The prime minister YuWenHuaJi in order to take the throne with collude with the turks.

检控官对此的解释是关押他们是为了防止他们与证人串通。Prosecutors have argued that they need to be detained so that they do not collude with witnesses.

省内外贩毒分子相互勾结犯罪增多,境外毒品向我省渗透加剧等。Drug traders inside and outside collude with one another and more drugs are traded in our province.

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同时由于利润转移政策的外溢效应,两国政府有进行串谋的激励。Futhermore, externality of rent-shifting policy gives rise to incentive to collude by both governments.

因为,虽然从没有犯下一件昭然若揭的恶行我们本身,我们却与恶行勾结通过我们自己的冷漠。For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.

因为即使我们自己没有犯下明显邪恶的行为,我们与之共谋,借由我们自己的漠不关心。For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy.

有一种说法是这样的,这种习惯或许反映了投资者一起串通起来蒙混的可能性。One possibility is that this custom reflects the way investors like to collude when they can get away with it.

代理人和第三人串通,损害被代理人的利益的,由代理人和第三人负连带责任。An agent and a third party collude to cause damage to the principal are jointly and severally liable therefore.

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不用说,新德里也许是世界上唯一一个政府与建筑承包商相勾结的城市。Needless to say, Delhi is hardly the only city in the world where politicians and building contractors collude.

原始报告是如此引人注目,因为它解释了先天本性和后天培养如何共同引发复杂的情绪问题。The original study was so compelling because it explained how nature and nurture could collude to produce a complex mood problem.

小商户生存难,香港政府的官商勾结和无能是直接影响大众你我的。The independent stores hardly survive. This is how the government collude with the consortium which affect all of us as a citizen.

韦世乐在一次缉毒行动中,发现蛛丝马迹,向荣极有可能是勾结毒犯的神秘黑警。Wei Shile is in in arrest poison action, discover clues, xiang Rong is collude poison likely extremely made mystery is black alarm.

我有社会阅历,为人诚恳善于勾通,做事踏实,敢做敢为勇于挑战的谋略家。I have social experience, behave sincere be good at collude with, work dependably , dare to do to dare for brave to challenge of strategist.

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他在马扁交接之际,已将马政府视为比中国还要「优先」的敌人,因此出卖台湾、勾结中国。One possibility is that Wang hated the Ma administration even more than Beijing, therefore chose to sell out Taipei and collude with Beijing.

我有社会阅历,为人诚恳善于勾通,做事踏实,敢做敢为勇于挑战的谋略家。I have social experience and behave sincere be good at collude with, work dependably , dare to do to dare for brave to challenge of strategist.

然而,结义兄弟朱辰均却在篡位野心的驱使下,勾结倭寇,出卖国家。However, zhu Chen of knot justice brother all is driven in go-getting of usurp the throng however below, collude Japanese pirates, sell a country.