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鹿很容易受到惊吓。The deer startle easily.

嘘,小声点儿。别吓着它们。Sh, be quiet. Don't startle them.

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裸体远足倡导者称,他们没有惊吓别人的企图。Nude-hiking advocates say they aren't out to startle people.

现如今,我们更有可能在造访亚洲时被其现代化程度吓一跳。Trips to Asia are now more likely to startle us with modernity.

借着从门缝透过来的微弱光线,她看见他吓了一跳。In the dim light squeezing through the door, she watched him startle.

由此产生了“打草惊蛇”这个成语。The above story provided the idiom "Beat the grass and startle the snake".

亚利桑那州的一些酒吧老顾客被前门的一个疾跑的山猫吓了一跳。Bar patrons in Arizona got a startle when a bobcat trotted in the front door.

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猫是很容易受惊的,所以我认为他以前就呆在他现在所在的无论什么地方。But cats startle easily, so I'm sure he did stay wherever it is he _is _ now.

亚利桑那州的酒吧顾客被一只从前门窜进来的山猫给惊吓到了。Bar patrons in Arizona got a startle when a bobcat trot ted in the front door.

奎刚慢慢走近她,尽量放轻步子以免惊吓着她。Qui-Gon approached slowly, with just enough deliberate rustling so as not to startle her.

望你有时能驻足于这个令你感到惊叹的世界,体会你从未有过的感觉,我希望你能见到其他与。And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I.

某些幼犬会在陌生物品前惊起,但几乎能马上镇定,开始调查此物。Some pups will startle at an unfamiliar object, but almost immediately regroup and check it out.

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有时候,色彩的快速变换可以用来惊吓掠食者或威胁入侵者。Sometimes a sudden shift in color can be used to startle potential predators or threaten intruders.

一个来观光的游客说,她以为这是那种全身被涂满的活人,正站在时代广场吓唬游客。One visitor said she thought it was one of those painted humans who startle tourists in Times Square.

同时,西庇阿命令所有号手一起鸣号来惊吓战象。Simultaneous to this engagement, Scipio had all his trumpeters blow at once to startle the elephants.

这些做法令消费者震惊,他们认为这样高的收费和利息肯定违反了法律。These practices startle consumers who think such high fees and interest rates must be against the law.

那少年吃了一惊,急忙缩手时,只见缠在腕上的竟是一条尺许长的赤练蛇,青红斑斓,甚是可怖。It was a colorful horrific small snake about one inch, the youth found when startle to withdraw his hand.

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尽管他思绪紊乱,却始终抱定决心,不说任何可能惊扰她的话。Through all his confusion of mind he had held fast to the resolve to say nothing that might startle or disturb her.

香港六合彩总公司双色球预测我希看你有时能驻足于这个令你感到赞叹的世界,体会你从未有过的感觉。I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before.

所谓不应该叫醒梦游者是一个荒诞的说法,但是让他们受惊也是个糟糕的主意。The idea that you shouldn't wake a sleepwalker up is a myth, but it's probably also a bad idea to startle him or her.