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资本家靠榨取工人的血汗来养肥自己。The capitalists batten on the blood of the workers.

暴风雨快来了,让我们封舱吧。There's a storm coming, so let's batten down the hatches.

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如今他还能靠榨取雇员的血汗来养肥自己吗?。Can he still batten upon the blood of the employees nowadays?

撑条–插入到翼布中用来固定翼型的肋骨条。BATTEN – formed rib that slips into sail to define airfoil shape.

用木条封的边轻易发潮或崩裂。The border that seals with batten allows easy become damp or burst apart.

有人提醒他们,要提防那些专靠他人的劳动以自肥的公司。They were warned against the companies who batten on the efforts of others.

夹子固定在窗边上,板条从夹子里滑了出来。The clamp is secured to the window edge, and the batten slipped through the clamp.

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龙卷风即将来临,因此我们最好把这里的舱口封上,到地下室去。The tornado is coming, so we had better batten down the hatches here and get to the cellar.

在这只水獭海盗上船之前赶紧封舱做好准备!他有厉害的右勾手!Batten down the hatches when this sea otter pirate comes aboard. He's got a great right hook!

尼龙搭扣的边缘要有一个挂钩固定在板条上继而将整个地毯悬挂在墙上。The hard or hook side of the Velcro is stapled to a batten which is in turn fixed to the wall.

为了减轻床身的重量和保证床身的刚度要求,设计了板壁孔结构。To reduce the lathe-bed and assure its stiffness requirement, a batten wall pore structure is designed.

转至适宜的角度后,将带有销钉锁的板条取下,放平床屉。After the bed is rotated to an appropriate angle, the batten with the pin bolt lock is taken down, and the bed drawer is laid flat.

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为了保证有足够的刚度,机床对板壁孔的形状、位置和大小都提出了相应的要求。In order to assure adequate stiffness, the lathe has relevant requirements for the shape, location and size of the batten wall pore.

针对混凝土双肢柱外包钢加固,采用靠近吊车梁一方的单肢缀板加固。A single column batten plate strengthening method has been used for the concrete battened column angle iron encasement strengthening.

木板材质的带墙和桉树板材在接待桌处开始,缠绕在玻璃门主入口周围,整个空间都有此装饰。A ribbon wall of board and batten eucalyptus starts at the reception desk, wraps around the glazed main entry, and proceeds around the entire space.

美国副总统乔•拜登上月在德国发表报告时提及“重启”美俄关系的问题。US Vice-Pcitizen Joe Biden batten of acute the "reset button" on affiliations amid Mobaiter and Washington during a accent in Gerabounding last ages.

轻钢龙骨石膏板天花有纸面石膏板、装饰石膏板、纤维石膏板、空心石膏板条多种。Smallpox of plasterboard of light steel keel has batten of paper face plasterboard , adornment plasterboard , fiber plasterboard , hollow gesso a variety of.

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巴顿说,将画廊与餐厅建在旧警察局里,并且在里面再造一个摩天大楼无法彰显该建筑物的独特风格。Batten says that putting galleries and restaurants inside the old police building and creating yet another high rise will not showcase the uniqueness of the building.

面对特别从他们的同胞的来自的对的批评和怀疑态度中的一些可以认为它是妄想狂但是里皮和他的运动员已经感到迫使锁牢底舱的入口。Some might call it paranoia but Marcello Lippi and his players have felt compelled to batten down the hatches in the face of criticism and scepticism, particularly from their countrymen.

分析了液态混凝土压强对钢管结构的作用,指出了哑铃形钢管拱先圆管后腹腔灌注顺序的合理性,提出了缀板采用对拉杆加固的方案,并分析了对拉杆间距、直径、材质等对缀板位移和应力的影响。The schemes of reinforcing batten plates by tie bars are put forward and the effects of the space, diameter and types of tie bar on displacement and stress of batten plates are analyzed.