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这是一种自由自在,令人赏心悦目的生活。It was a commodious and a diverting life.

这就是西方的媒体,在转移视线。That's Western media for you, diverting attention.

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我向四下里呆望着,想办法岔开她的思想。I gazed round for a means of diverting her thoughts.

“那一定挺逗趣儿的,”他说,“我明白了。”That must have been highly diverting , said he. I see.

这就是西方的媒体,在转移视线。Casino at's Western media for you, diverting attention.

机组人员在转移航道前发出了求救信号。The crew issued a mayday call before diverting the aircraft.

但是这同样意味着你将享受将这些东西免于丢掉的乐趣。But it also means you’ll be diverting Stuff from the landfill.

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虚增费用或者挪用预付款用于私人用途。Overloading expense accounts or diverting advances to personal use.

许多人把资金移转到较安全的投资项目上,比如像黄金。Many people are diverting their funds to safe investments, such as gold.

将消费分流道那些为不做到或者没有利润的产品上,阻碍了真正的绿色产品脱颖而出。diverting spending towards products with negligible or non-existent benefits

如果不能找到池塘,我就要从小溪中把水分流出一些,做成一个小水洼。If I can’t find a pool I have to create one by diverting water from a stream.

如果事情发生在飞机起飞不久,他们可能会备降。If it happened early in the flight they could have wound up diverting the flight.

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娱乐被定义为任何可以有趣的吸引目光的活动。Entertainment is defined as any activity that is diverting and that holds the attention.

一些专家建议从其他较少受影响的地区转移一些水到鄱阳湖。Some experts have suggested diverting water to the lake from other less affected regions.

满书引人入胜的插图和范例,也许会让读者眼花撩乱,迷失本书论述的脉络。Amid these diverting illustrations and examples, the reader can lose track of the book’s argument.

因为很少有娱乐节目,人们发现旁观庭审是一个消磨时间的好办法。With few recreational activities to amuse them, people found attending trials to be a diverting pastime.

美国陆军工兵部队已经在采取措施,对新奥尔良周围的河流分流。Officials of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have taken steps to protect the city by diverting water around it.

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如有故障发生,熔断器会断开,使所有故障电流流经跳闸线圈,将断路器断开。If a fault occurs, the fuse ruptures diverting all the fault current through the trip coil , tripping the breaker.

手的动作,道具的运用,集中注意力,转移注意力,这些全部包含在基本的魔术里。The hand movements, use of props, grabbing attention, diverting it, they are all covered in these basic Magic Tricks.

有的传言说他为了隐藏他的墓穴颇费周折,包括在墓穴周围开辟了一条河流并在墓穴上方种了一片森林。Some say he went to great lengths to hide it, including diverting a river over the tomb and planting a forest over it.