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于期内本集团并没有潜在摊薄普通股编制。There is no potential dilutive ordinary shares in issue during both periods.

当然创始人应当为避免高稀释性的比例保护进行艰苦的谈判。Of course, founders should negotiate hard to avoid the highly dilutive full-ratchet.

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如果银行的资本状况有夸大成份,许多公司可能会再次被迫筹资,进而导致股权稀释。And if bank capital is overstated, firms could again be forced into dilutive capital raising.

本公司不存在稀释性潜在普通股,稀释每股收益等于基本每股收益。There are no potential dilutive ordinary shares, and the diluted earnings per share are equal to the basic earnings.

最后,应该避免和顾客对品牌的理解不一致的,潜在的冲淡资产的品牌延伸。Finally, potentially dilutive extensions that are inconsistent with the consumer's perception of the brand should be avoided.

刘易斯先生可以经常站在风头浪尖说再也不做任何冲减每股收益的收购了。不过就算他不会,美国银行照样可能会达到顶点。Mr Lewis could always take the top spot by promising never to make another dilutive acquisition. He won't, but BofA may reach the summit anyway.

罗克韦尔看动化希望收购只是轻微地冲减每股收益,在随后实现增加。Rockwell Automation expects the transaction to be slightly dilutive to earnings per share in the first full fiscal year and accretive thereafter.

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我们认为,公司短期内没有股权融资需求,但预计市场焦点仍将集中在其坏账减值风险。We do not see BEA needing any dilutive equity-raising in the near future, but expect the market's focus to remain on its bad debt write-off risks.

公司债务与西班牙公司从事的减损盈利的大规模收购项目,以及众多可疑的基础设施交易存在关联。The corporate debt is linked to huge dilutive acquisitions taken on behalf of Spanish companies and a multitude of questionable infrastructure deals.

当然,TripAdvisor肯定对企业名录业务带来的影响进行过量化分析,并坚信现有广告项目不会因此受到太多的负面影响。TripAdvisor assuredly has run the numbers and certainly believes that Business Listings won’t be overly dilutive to its existing advertising programs.