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他死后没有找到尸体,只能做了一个衣冠冢。They have not found his body so they just make a cenotaph for him.

矗立着的纪念碑是对战争中死难者的纪念。The cenotaph stands as a remembrance of those killed during the war.

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从1994年的最后决定纪念碑的骨灰于1992年成立。From 1994 "The Final Decision"Formed in 1992 from the ashes of Cenotaph.

随即,我们将精心勘察选取碑址并建造。We will then carefully choose an appropriate site to construct this cenotaph.

古市集,废墟及阵亡将士纪念碑等。Ancient fair ruin and the cenotaph of officers and soldiers fall in battle etc.

碑了献花圈,以此向两次世界大战这中的牺牲者们表示敬意。The Queen pain homage to the victims of two world wars by laying a wreath on the Cenotaph.

老约翰·杰弗里,90年,曾参加过诺曼底登陆日降落,每时每刻都会记住自己的堕落在服务同志纪念碑。Veteran John Jeffrey, 90, who took part in the D-Day landings, remembers his fallen comrades during a service at the Cenotaph.

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右边这位是英国爱丁堡公爵,左边的是威廉王子,这是我们在伦敦纪念塔的纪念日仪式上看到的。Britain's Duke of Edinburgh, right, and Prince William, left, seen, during the annual Remembrance Sunday ceremony at the Cenotaph in London.

他不懂如何在电视机上秀形象,而令举国震惊的是,他于荣军纪念日在和平纪念碑出席纪念活动时,身着短裤、衣冠不整。He could not get the hang of television, and horrified the country by appearing at the Cenotaph one Remembrance Day in a short, scruffy coat.

奥运圣火今日开始在黑龙江境内进行为期3天的传递,首站是省会哈尔滨,起点是防洪纪念塔广场。The Olympic torch kicks off its 3-day relay in Heilongjiang today, starting from the Flood Prevention Cenotaph in Harbin, the first stop in the province.

在默哀一周年分钟的停战协定是建立在1919年伦敦的一部分,在主纪念碑纪念仪式在新。On the first anniversary of the armistice in 1919 two minutes' silence was instituted as part of the main commemorative ceremony at the new Cenotaph in London.

那天一位制片人问她能否在纪念塔的纪念日仪式彩排上代替女王试镜,于是她的第二职业就诞生了。A producer asked her if she could stand in for the Queen to check camera angles at a rehearsal for Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph – and her second career was born.

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所以,墓志铭其实就是一个自称的衣冠冢,一个铭文在遗体却不在的地方,当然通过此也充分说明了,语言的随意性特点。So any epitaph is therefore a self-declared cenotaph an inscription on a place where the body isn't which of course tells us a lot too about the arbitrary nature of language.

作为一份完整而珍贵的历史文物,国立西南联合大学纪念碑具有很高的历史、文学、语言、思想、艺术和社会价值。As an integrated and precious historical relic, the cenotaph of National Southwest Associated University has an outstanding historical , literary, linguistic, ideological, artistic and social value.