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关注单位利润率。Think in terms of per-unit profitability.

他们不明白盈利能力为什么很重要。They do not see why profitability matters.

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每一项建议都必须经受这一条检验——有利可图。Subject every proposal to one test- profitability.

产品的可盈利性永远不能小觑。The profitability of a product should never take a hit.

掀起生产高潮,实现扭亏增盈。Set off upsurge in production and achieve profitability.

如何能在景气高峰时有效的掌控利润?How can we optimize our profitability during the upturns ?

这对确定你的定价和获利能力至关重要。It's the key to determining your pricing and profitability.

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我们必须保持住市场份额,增加利润。We must hold on to our market share and increase profitability.

分析餐单及酒水单的利润率及受欢迎程度。Profitability and popularity analyses of menus and beverage lists.

NOL表示预计全年收益将会盈利。NOL said it expected to return to profitability over the full year.

我们认为合理的利润是公司发展的源动力。We recognise profitability as the driving force of our corporation.

令人欣慰的是,利润比股价涨的更快。Comfortingly , profitability is rising even faster than share prices.

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物流管理如何影响经济和组织的收益性?How logistics affects the economy and profitability of organizations?

对于股票来说,盈利性比不亏损重要得多,为什么呢?For stocks, profitability means more than not losing money. Here's why.

清楚了解规模化与早期利润之间的利益抉择。Be very clear about the trade-off between scale and early profitability.

美国经济的盈利能力之谜或许有两个因素可以解释。The U.S. economy's profitability puzzle is probably down to two factors.

投资者忽略这些项目是为了专注于每日盈利能力。Investors ignore such items in order to focus on day-to-day profitability.

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片面强调短期收益而忽略长期收益性。ROI tends to emphasize short-run profit rather than long-run profitability.

集团有信心在2010财政年度集团能够保持收益率的持续增长。The Group remains confident of continued growth and profitability for FY2010.

从短期来看,这些成本削减可能会导致更高的盈利能力。In the short term, these cost cuts willprobably result in higher profitability.