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欧内斯特.德伐日,圣安托万区酒店主。Ernest Defarge, wine-vendor of St. Antoine.

安托万只好乖乖地滚到酒吧的另一边。Antoine effed off to the other end of the bar.

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安东尼.圣修伯里是法国作家和飞行员。Antoine de Saint-Exupy was a French writer and aviator.

安托万知道奥巴马陪他开这一玩笑的机会并不大。Antoine knows there's not much chance Obama will play along with his joke.

丹尼斯博士于1668年起诉安东尼•莫鲁瓦的遗孀诽谤他的声誉。Dr. Denis sues Antoine Mauroy's widow in 1668 for slandering his reputation.

他们应该会愿意效仿安坦·但奴,为偶像点亮一支蜡烛。One likes to think of the ghost of Antoine Doinel lighting a candle before it.

一百多年前,圣·修伯里·安东尼出生于法国的一个小镇上。Over 100 years ago, in a small French town, Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born.

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我敢肯定,安托万温菲尔德不会介意在他身边的一位同行像迪安基洛厅临鲍勒。I'm sure Antoine Winfield won't mind having DeAngelo Hall by his side in Minnesota.

在英国能合法使用达盖尔照相术人寥寥无几,安托万·克劳德特是其中之一。Antoine Claudet was one of the few people legally able to take daguerreotypes there.

圣安托万的每一次脉动和心跳都疾速而火热,像是发了高烧。Every pulse and heart in Saint Antoine was on high-feverstrain and at high-fever heat.

那是圣安托万区的杰克三号,一个嗜杀成性、食人生番式的、满怀血腥的陪审员。A life-thirsting, cannibal looking, bloody-minded juryman, the Jacques Three of St. Antoine.

安托万沃克就是现今痴迷效率的NBA球队不想要的那类球员。Antoine Walker is exactly the type of player teams DON'T want in today's efficiency obssesed NBA.

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那天德伐日曾说明他是圣安托万郊区的酒店老板。Defarge had described himself, that day, as the keeper of awine-shop in the Saint Antoine suburb.

我们暂且叫这个相貌平平的男人为安托万吧,他将与87位年龄在18至20岁之间的女人聊天,谈论几种食品。Then that average Antoine talked about a couple of food products with 87 different women, aged 18 to 20.

安托万•戈巴克建议沿塞纳河直到勒阿弗尔港建设大巴黎。Antoine Grumbach proposes to build the Greater Paris along the Seine right up to the harbour of Le Havre.

1796年,瑞士钟表匠安托万·法夫尔为“没有铃或锤子的组铃”申请到了专利。In 1796 the Swiss watchmaker Antoine Favre takes out the patent on "the carillon without bells or hammers".

先发前锋哈斯勒姆和沃克也会回来继续为奥尼尔和韦德保驾护航。Starting forwards Udonis Haslem and Antoine Walker also returnto provide experience around O'Neal and Wade.

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第二个叫安托。马洛的病人,是一个活泼的34岁年轻人,在巴黎度过一段狂欢时间。The second patient, Antoine Mauroy, was an active 34-year-0ld who spent some of his time carousing in Paris.

我们今天所知的化学,是在1783年由安东尼·拉瓦谢因他的质量守恒定律而被创。Chemistry as we know it today, was invented by Antoine Lavoisier with his law of Conservation of mass in 1783.

安东尼.华铎被视为是第一波洛可可风潮的画家之一,他常常创作出不对称的构图。Antoine Watteau is considered to be one of the first Rococo painters. He often created asymmetrical compositions.