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它的轮廓大致形成一个等边三角形。Its outline roughly forms an equilateral triangle.

哪个是等边三角形?Which of the following is an equilateral triangle?

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有八个正三角形面的八面体。An octahedron with eight equilateral triangles as faces.

用量角器作一个等边三角形。Use your protractor to construct an equilateral triangle.

等边金字塔,简洁有力,视觉冲击力很强。Equilateral pyramid, concise power, an impulsive force of view.

三条边都相等的三角形叫做等边三角形。It is called Equilateral Triangle that a triangle has equal legs.

这个规则的马赛克是由多个等边三角形拼接而成。This regular mosaic is a pattern made up of equilateral triangles.

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这是l,这也是,这是个等边三角形。l This is also l and this is also l, so this is equilateral triangle.

图形为一个长方形内含一个六边形。Polygon SUVNPQ is equilateral and equiangular and TWOR is a rectangle.

例如,三角形的三条边分别是2,2,2和3,3,3,它们都是等边三角形。For example, the triangle values 2, 2, 2 and 3, 3, 3 are both equilateral.

正三角体形状让它轻易贴合墙角、桌面。The equilateral pyramid shape allows it to occupy corners of rooms and desks.

对等边双圆锥台进行了液压胀形试验,研究了该种壳体的起皱情况。Buckling of an equilateral double-cone- frustums shell is studied when it is bulged.

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这三艘航天器会围绕太阳运行,形成一个边长为五百万千米的正三角形。The spacecraft will orbit the sun as an equilateral triangle with sides of 5 million km.

可通过拖动任一选择手柄来自订的等边三角形。Three-sided equilateral triangle that can be customized by dragging any selection handle.

一个计算机程序随机的把N的全等的正三角形放置在屏幕上。A computer program places N equilateral triangles of the same size randomly on the screen.

校徽的等边三角形是用来表达天主、个人及近邻的关系。The equilateral triangle expresses the true relationship between self, God, and neighbour.

等边三角形不能分成有限多个不全等的等边三角形。An equilateral triangle cannot be dissected intofinitelymany incongruent equilateral triangles.

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结论普通人群宫腔形态以形态规则的等腰三角宫腔和等边三角宫腔为主。Conclusions in general endometrial cavity is mostly isosceles triangle or equilateral triangle.

结论普通人群宫腔形态以形态规则的等腰三角宫腔和等边三角宫腔为主。Conclusions In general, endometrial cavity is mostly isosceles triangle or equilateral triangle.

等边三角形不能分成有限多个不全等的等边三角形。An equilateral triangle cannot be dissected into finitely many incongruent equilateral triangles.