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弹性上班制度对环境也有益。Flextime is good for the environment too.

你认为弹性时间工作制影响你的生产率?。Do you think that flextime has affected your productivity?

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弹性工作制时对人尊重和信任德实质表现。Flextime is the essence of respect for and trust in people.

你建议弹性时间工作制应搞成永久性的?。Do you recommend that the flextime program be made permanent?

弹性上班制度允许员工自主选择上班时间。Flextime allows an employee to select the hours he or she will work.

目的探讨一对一全程陪产和弹性工作制相结合的实施效果。Objective To explore the effects of one-to-one birth supports and flextime on parturition.

研究结果表明,使用弹性工作制可能不像普遍,因为文献提出的建议。Findings indicated that the use of flextime may not be as prevalent as the literature suggested.

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我们公司的弹性工作制度使得许多同为上班族的夫妻有更多时间和孩子在一起。A flextime policy at our company permittes many working couples to end more time with their children.

我们公司的弹性制度使得许多同为上班族的夫妻有更多时间和孩子在一起。A flextime policy at our company permittes many working couples to spend more time with their children.

我们办公室是采用灵活作息时间的先驱,老板在时是上午9点到下午5点——他不在时是上午10点到下午3点。Our office was a pioneer in the use of flextime . 9 to 5 when the boss is in --- 10 to 3 when he's not.

许多报道都在人力资源经理的可用性,弹性工作制和其他药水。Many of the reports were by human resources and managers on the availability of flextime with other potions.

其中一项重要的建议是取消弹性工作时间,这个措施帮助公司节省大量电力和运输成本。One significant idea was to abolish flextime hours, which led to a massive savings on electricity and transportation costs.

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“实行弹性工作时间的员工与其他员工的效率一样高,”莱奇表示,“问题在于,有些老板根本不相信这一点。”"Flextime employees are just as productive as other employees, " says Ladge. "The problem is that some bosses don't believe it."

我首先尝试并且让客户去做的事情是,减少她们的工作时间,或者至少制定一个弹性工作时间和老板商榷。The first thing I try and get my clients to do is cut down on their hours or at least work out a flextime deal with their bosses.

“女儿职业道路”是指女性为照顾年老的父母,利用弹性时间工作或减少工作时长,从而减少了自己职业晋升机会的一种职业发展道路。Daughter track is a career path where a woman reduces her chances of advancement by working flextime or fewer hours to look after her elderly parents.