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没有欺骗。No deception.

魔术师使用骗术。A magician uses deception.

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美是无言的欺骗。Beaty is a mute deception.

这是一起很明显的诈骗案。This is a clear case of deception.

大多数动物都会有一些欺骗行为。So, most animals do some deception.

但是我们生活在一个尔虞我诈世界。But we live in a world of deception.

登陆火星只是中国的障眼法。The mars business is just a deception.

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举一个欺骗的实例。There's physical examples of deception.

在一次收购交易中怀疑被瞒骗而损失惨重。In a deal suspected deception and losses.

大多数人都是自我欺骗的专家。Most people are experts at self deception.

秘闻最终会导致欺骗。Secret affairs will only lead to deception.

那将是撒但欺蒙的高峰。That will be the climatic deception of Satan.

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我们正在经历我所谓的“大骗局。We have what I called, "the great deception".

这样,那后来的迷惑,比先前的更利害了。This last deception will be worse than the first.

这真是世界上最堂皇的欺诈。It was really the grandest deception in the world.

作为一个国家,我们不善于瞒骗。As a nation, we have little capacity for deception.

我的花招为我展示出了欺骗中的扭曲力量。My stunt showed me the disfiguring power of deception.

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根据这段经文,那会让我们自我欺骗。According to this verse, that opens us up to deception.

你不要被这些歪理邪说蒙骗了。Don't let yourself be taken in by such absurd deception.

那就是淘宝教训太少防骗才能广泛较差。Taobao lessons that can be widely poor little deception.