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我明白他话里的潜台词。I know the subtext of his remark.

网店办照的潜台词是要征税。Shop Office according to the subtext is to tax.

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这句话的潜台词是,更加强硬的调控是必须的。The subtext is that much tougher regulation is required.

节目的真实意图在其剪辑后昭然若揭。This subtext became much clearer after the show was edited.

耐心,机警和主动!找出自己的动机和潜台词。Have patience, be alert and initiative! Note motivations and subtext.

可是这句古老格言”美丽是主观臆断的“的潜台词是错误的。But the subtext of that old saw , that beauty is arbitrary , is wrong.

它的诗性体系中的政治含蕴构成了某种潜文本。The political significance of its poetic system forms a certain subtext.

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大部分的被访者认为压力是会一直伴随工程师有限的职业生涯的。For many respondents, stress is a subtext of engineers' limited time off.

从华盛顿到利雅得,这种担心是当今世界各种焦虑情绪的潜台词。This concern is the subtext for much anxiety today, from Washington to Riyadh.

而这些画中的政治涵义则需要观者去赋予了。If there is a political subtext to these paintings, the viewer has to supply it.

这些疑虑并未表现在表面,而是藏在场景的潜台词中。These doubts are brought to the surface, but are within the subtext of the scene.

要在对话中创造潜台词,你必须决定这个场景实际要说什么。To create subtext in dialogue, you must determine what the scene is really about.

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作品的潜台词是性流露是一种自我突破。The subtext of her book is that sexual self-revelation is groundbreaking in itself.

影片中从来没有加以评论的一个潜在题目,是无所不在的有吸引力的亚洲女性。A subtext the movie never comments on is the omnipresence of attractive Asian women.

不要心急,有时候演员需要好几天的时间才能够理解剧本里的潜台词。Don't rush this process, sometimes it can take days to find the subtext of a script.

迈克告诉他父亲,他们在挖掘潜台词及内部缊含的丰富情感。Mike told his father that they explored the subtext and internal rhythms of the feelings.

最近一次在韩国首都首尔举行的20国集团会议的一则潜台词便是鼓励中国消费。One subtext of the recent G-20 meeting in Seoul was the encouragement of Chinese consumption.

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沮丧的“不知道”是这些天来蔓延于福岛的潜台词。The frustration of not knowing is the subtext of a lot of what happens in Fukushima these days.

你可能在看贾马尔的故事时会思考这些问题,但这部电影的真正潜台词是印度。You’ll ponder these questions throughout Jamal’s story, but the real subtext of this film is India.

我已经试过潜台词,而我不知道如何改变这样的边缘的宽度简单的事情。I've tried SubText , and I can't figure out how to change simple things like the widths of the margins.