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它可能是缓冲液。It could be a buffer.

他是个老糊涂。He is a silly old buffer.

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在字形缓冲区中的字形数量。Count of glyphs in the glyph buffer.

它是用于日志缓冲区的参数。It is the parameter for the log buffer.

计算机在缓冲器中记录信息。Computers record in ation in the buffer.

其五可暂存缓冲托盘。Fifthly it can be used to buffer pallet.

数据未被拷贝到套接字缓冲区。No data is copied into the socket buffer.

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六角缓冲区。高压硅栅CMOS。Hex buffer. High-voltage silicon-gate CMOS.

梅文也位于禁止建设的缓冲区内。Mervyn is also inside the no-go buffer zone.

为什麽缓冲区溢位是安全性问题?Why are buffer overflows a security problem?

为什么不分配一个更大的缓冲池呢?Why not allocate a bigger buffer pool instead?

为了更有效率,它使用小缓冲区。For greater efficiency, it uses a small buffer.

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每个数据库都至少需要一个缓冲池。Each database requires at least one buffer pool.

分配一个临时的固定大小的wchar_t缓冲区。Allocates temporary wchar_t buffer of given size.

磁鼓中用来暂时存放资料的一种缓冲区。A buffer in a drum used to temporarily store data.

比固定大小的缓冲区方法更简单的代码编写Simpler coding than the fixed-size buffer approach

缓冲池命中率对于监控非常重要。Buffer pool hit ratio is very important to monitor.

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六角非反相与集电极开路输出缓冲区。Hex non-inverted buffer with open-collector outputs.

在一些情况下,它为拒绝提供了缓冲。In other cases it offers a buffer against rejection.

现在让我们快速回顾一下缓冲区溢出问题。Let's start with a quick review of buffer overflows.