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但他们没有任何抱怨。But they are not complaining.

他们就是投诉者。It's they who are complaining.

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不要哭哭啼啼、连声抱怨。Stop sniveling and complaining.

尤其是在抱怨的时候。Especially when she’s complaining.

她抱怨等得太久了。She was complaining about the long wait.

她总是怨天恨地。She is always complaining about something.

所以把她手砍了,然后就别抱怨了。So cut her hands off and quit complaining.

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或许你就此有了一个抱怨的理由。THEN youmight have a case for complaining.

哈,哈哈,我可不记得她抱怨过。Ha-ha-ha. I don’t remember her complaining.

他老是怨天气不好。He is always complaining about the weather.

拿俄米在神的故事中以诉苦出场。Naomi gets into God's story by complaining.

有什么好烦的?你已经抱怨一整天了。What gives? You've been complaining all day.

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他显然对你这种怨天尤命的态度不满意。He seemed annoyed at your complaining manner.

他老是不断地抱怨有吵闹声。He is continually complaining about the noise.

他继续咯咯地叫,不停地抱怨生活。He went on cackling and complaining about life.

她那不断的诉苦真使我受不了。Her constant complaining just sticks in my craw.

请求别人帮忙被拒绝后心生抱怨。量词。Complaining when requests for favors are refused.

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他们会毫不抱怨地吃掉所有的蔬菜。They ate all their vegetables without complaining.

他刚一到,她就开始抱怨。Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.

我们可能会抱怨今天感觉不好。We may end up complaining and feel bad about today.