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小鬼铃铛是其中卖得最好的。Gremlin bells are his best sellers.

这次小鬼没有忘记在家里,却在纽约走失了!The gremlin not forgotten at home, but in New York lost!

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在Gremlin中你可以对这样的页面图表进行更改和编辑其属性。Gremlin allows to navigate and modify such a graph of pages and their properties.

你的心思的背后的疑虑不会考虑网上的危险。There isn't that gremlin in the back of your mind thinking about online adventures.

我忘了在周末之前给我那辆美国汽车公司1970年产的格雷姆林车加满油。I had forgotten to fill the tank of my 1970 American Motors Gremlin before the weekend.

当时我正在用手机通话,突然,这个精怪的小动物出现。I was talking on my mobile phone when all of a sudden this gremlin like creature appeared.

最后,我见过的每个怪物,过于发达的评论家内,我称之为小鬼。Finally , everyone I've ever met has a monstrous , overly developed inner critic, which I call the Gremlin.

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在这样的意义上,水星将会像一个小麻烦,从月18到5月11。骚扰一些最好的计划。In that sense, Mercury is about to be a bit of a gremlin from April 18 to May 11, messing up some of your best-laid plans.

我知道他是你爸爸,但是对我来说他是个不负责任的混蛋,弄大了你妈妈的肚子,还偷走了她的车。Oh honey, I know he's your daddy but, but to me he's still the irresponsible creep who knocked up your mom and stole her Gremlin.

简.古道尔初次踏入非洲丛林43年后,Fifi再次做了妈妈,Frodo已是雄性首领,Gremlin则在教她的双胞胎怎么钓白蚁吃。Forty-three years after Jane Goodall first set foot in the forests of Africa, Fifi is a mom again, Frodo is the alpha male, and Gremlin is teaching her twins to fish for termites.

Gremlin是猩群中的钓蚁高手之一,并且她为研究人员们提供了宝贵的机会,了解这些技能是如何代代相传的。One of the best termite fishers in the community, Gremlin is also providing researchers an excellent opportunity to learn how such skills are passed down from generation to generation.