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整个周末,我除了睡觉,我啥都没做。I dido nothing but sleep all weekend.

那个美妙歌喉属于英国艺人蒂朵。That beautiful voice belongs to UK artist Dido.

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他们说,漂泊的人可以在蒂朵的歌声中重获温暖。People say that Erratics may be rewarmed steeping in songs by Dido.

狄多友好而殷勤地接待这些著名的漂泊者。Dido received the illustrious exiles with friendliness and hospitality.

他表示欢迎蒂朵女王迦太基人,他告诉他的冒险。He is welcomed by Dido , queen of Carthage, to whom he tells his adventures.

不说假话,扬声器里播放的是蒂朵唱的“我将和船一起下沉”。And, no word of a lie, the sound system has Dido singing “I Will Go Down With My Ship”.

狄多女王用死前最后一口气诅咒埃涅阿斯及其子孙。With her dying breath, Queen Dido pronounced a malediction on Aeneas and all his descendants.

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是关于Dido和,年轻的女子说,爱是什么?Anais It's the story of Dido and Anais. And the young girl is saying what is this thing called love?

这幅画的题材来源于罗马诗人维吉尔的史诗,描述的是女王狄多建设迦太基的故事。It’s a scene from an epic poem by a Roman poet Vergil, about the building of Carthage by queen Dido.

蒂朵是个音乐神童,10岁时已能相当熟练地演奏钢琴、小提琴,当然还有运用先前提到的录音机来辅助创作。Dido was quite a musician playing the piano, violin and of course the recorder by the time she was 10.

但两分钟后又接到另一个电话说∶“你们别上黛朵家去了。”And then we got another call about two minutes later to say, "You're not going to Dido 's house anymore."

一如513团其他士兵所为,在两块白色大理石墓碑之间,甘贝尔列兵和他的伙伴杰克大挖散兵坑。Gabel and his baddy Jake dug their foxhole between two white marble headstones, as dido ther members of the 513th.

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英国的弗洛伦斯·韦尔奇届时将演唱电影“127小时”中的歌曲“如果我飞起来了”,这首歌在丹尼·博伊尔的电影中由滴朵演唱。Britain's Florence Welch, meanwhile, will sing If I Rise from 127 Hours, which Dido performed in Danny Boyle's film.

讽刺的是,埃涅阿斯命中注定要弃蒂朵而去,验证了迦太基的背信弃义。Ironically, the way in which Aeneas abandons Dido in favour of his preordained fate is characteristic of Carthaginian treachery.

在这一景,哈姆雷特回想起且讲述「依尼亚斯对戴朵说的故事」,但他所叙述的故事并非来自是他对文本的确实记忆。" Hamlet recalls and recounts "Aeneas' tale to Dido " in this scene, but that tale is not a straightforward recollection of one text.

我们干掉了两瓶冰镇的霞多丽酒,聊文莱苏丹的赌博癖好,还听了酷玩和蒂朵的最新专辑。We drank our way through two bottles of chilled chardonnay, discussed the Sultan of Brunei's gambling habits and listened to the latest releases from Coldplay and Dido.