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因为偷盗,他被警方逮捕了。He was arrested by police for pilferage.

纸箱弄破是轻易检查出来的,我说这恰恰可以防止偷盗。Tampering with cartons is easily detected. I should say that this rather discourages pilferage.

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据我所知,在喷鼻香港转船期间有货色被盗或破坏的危害。So far as I know, there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transhipment in Hongkong.

原则上讲。我们不同意出口商转船交货。因为那样会增加货物被盗及损坏的风险。As a rule, we don't give exporters permission to transship goods. As you know adds to the risks of pilferage and damage.

高价值产品,比如手表、珠宝和高档服装是主要失窃对象,是真的吗?Is it true that products of high value such as watches, jewels and luxury clothing items are often subject to pilferage?

嘿,我可不想去冒险,再说,纸箱容易被割开,这就了被偷盗的风险。Well, I don't want to take any chances. Besides, cartons are easy to cut open, and this increases the risk of pilferage.

哦,李先生,我宁愿稳当一些。纸板箱比较容易割破,还得把被偷盗的风险考虑进去。Well, Mr. Li. I'd rather play safe. Cartons are easier cut open, and there's the risk of pilferage to be taken into account.

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我们也未能杜绝虚报贫困、考试作弊、内部偷窃的劣迹,影响了荔园的诚信高度。We also cannot totally eliminate some fake poverty reports, exam cheating and inner pilferage that have a severe negative impact on our campus fame.

如果商品到达时外表上井然有序,状况良好,船运公司就不会为失窃负责。这样的话,我们该怎么保护自己呢?If the goods are received in apparent good order and condition, the steamship company doesn't have liability for pilferage. How do we protect ourselves?

如果货物是用纸盒包装的话,任何偷窃的痕迹都会很显著,因而保险公司会为偷窃制成的损失作出必要的赔偿的。If the goods are packed in cartons, any traces of pilferage will be in evidence, therefore the insurance company may be made to pay the necessary compensation for such losses.

特殊险别包括偷窃及提货不着险﹑短装险﹑破碎险和渗漏险,水渍险及勾损险,无免赔额。The special risks policy covers the goods irrespective of percentage, as well as against pilferage , short delivery, breakage and leakage, damage by water, hooks oil and so on.

对镀光金属件,清洗时应使用炭精清洁剂,不能使用硬质器具刮除脏物。Use pure cardon cleaning compound towards plating light metalloporphyrin pc, purging shoulding, the incapability uses hard guilder apparatus to pare off in addition to pilferage.