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勾股定理和四边形。Pythagorean theorem and quadrangle.

工程对于整个方院的调研于2007年展开。Preliminary studies on the entire Quadrangle began in 2007.

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针对平面四边形提出一种新的视觉定位算法。A new vision location algorithm from plane quadrangle is proposed.

我们从方庭到操场,走遍了整个校园。We walked all over the campus from the quadrangle to the athletic grounds.

使用球状四角插入方式,在四元数之间进行插入。Interpolates between quaternions , using spherical quadrangle interpolation.

其布局独特的地方是围绕院子,四边布置堂屋、住房和厨房等。A typical quadrangle features adivided compound with square yards surrounded by halls.

1847年,环绕宫前广场的东翼宫殿建成,为给其让路,这座拱门被迁走。It was moved to make way for the east wing, built in 1847, which enclosed the quadrangle.

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大厅的前面是封闭式的露天中庭,洗礼盆在中庭中央。Hall front is the enclosed open-air quadrangle, the baptism trough in the quadrangle central committee.

作业装置为两节四边形伸缩式工作臂,标准车型配有货叉侧移装置。The operation installment is two quadrangle telescopic handle, has fork which fix could be side to move.

两寺均为独立的四合院,玉皇殿为城楼式,蔚式壮观。Two temples are independent quadrangle jade emperor hall is the type of gate tower wei type grand sight.

从塔楼到四角庭院尽头的大型餐厅需要很长的时间。It takes an age to walk from the tower to the enormous dining hall at the far end of a cloistered quadrangle.

穿过四合院,走入正厅,首先映入眼帘的是落下闳的坐像。Going through the quadrangle courtyard and here we are in the parquet. Luoxia Hong's statue is before our eyes.

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最后,一行人来到北京四合院的聚集区,走街串巷地体味另一番古朴之美。Lastly, they walked in the ancient streets to appreciate the beauty of the quadrangle dwellings situated along.

网目正四方不易滑动、弹性佳,线性强韧耐用易施工。The mesh of quadrangle won't be easy to move. Good flexibility, hardy warp , Long-standing and easy to construct.

梅兰芳纪念馆建立于1986年,是一座典型的北京四合院。Mei Lanfang Memorial, whose location is in Xicheng District, was founded in 1986. It is a typical Beijing quadrangle.

除了全自动的改进四叉树法和交互的映射法,只有少数方法生成四边形网格。Except automatic generation quadtree method and interaction mapping method, few methods could generate quadrangle mesh.

整个四合院格局成了尊卑有等、贵贱有分、男女有别、长幼有序的礼的物化形式,凝聚着深厚的历史文化沉淀。The quadrangle is the materialization form of the Chinese old manners and is enriched with profound historical culture.

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论文对二维平面上区域进行不规则四边形剖分,构造了区域到子区域的射影变换。This paper dissects the quadrangle area on the plan irregularly and constructs project transforms from area to subareas.

不过近几个月以来,Quadrangle和Rattner名字一直被与库莫调查的一宗退休基金行业腐败案联系起来.But in recent months Quadrangle and Rattner have been linked to the corruption probe by Cuomo into the pensions industry.

风情街荟萃古都35家老字号店铺和大型四合院,形成大型古建筑群。Custom Street gathers 35 honored brands and big-sized quadrangle dwellings, forming a large ancient architectural complex.