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这些数字已准备好,有待列表并核对。The figures are ready for tabulation and collation.

我也饶有兴致地读了那些投票组成的那个表格。And I read the tabulation of the votes with interest.

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它还利用美联社制作的全国各地投票人统计表。It also uses AP’s tabulation of voter returns from around the country.

英文,德文,法文,意大利文的音名对照表。Tabulation of the English, German, French, and Italian names for the tones of an octave.

但观察员对整个公投过程、实际投票操作和计票活动做出正面评价。But observers assessed the campaign and the actual voting and tabulation of votes positively.

这样的图表不能充分代表各类型之间的复杂级配关系。Such a tabulation cannot represent adequately the complex gradation relationships between the types.

介绍了一种新的无量纲表格法来计算T形梁的正截面配筋。This article introduces a new dimensionless tabulation method to calculate reinforcement of T-section beams.

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现附上一张表格,记录了通过使用我公司节能器所节省的费用,供您参考。Attached is the tabulation for the amount of savings obtainable by using our product, Energy Saver for your reference.

赞比亚选举官员表示,选民登记造册进行正常,星期四的选举也相当平静以及有秩序。Zambian election officials said vote tabulation was going normally and Thursday's elections had been quiet and orderly.

这个负责选举工作的专门政府机构称,在投票表格上,他们发现了大量作假以及各种各样的不规范的情况。The agency said "a high level of fraud and irregularities of various kinds has been detected in the tabulation of votes."

针对企业BOM数据管理和表格绘制的需要,开发了模板式BOM编辑管理与自动生成系统。The system of BOM Editing management and Self-drawing in templates is presented to meet the need of data management and tabulation in enterprises.

我们正在组织力量进行详细汇总和分析,并将陆续予以公布。We are now engaged in the detailed tabulation and analysis of census data, and will release more information step by step when they become available.

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通常,一个制表的反应会自行消退,与十几个或较少的问题明确上升到顶部和其它获得只有零星提及。Often, a tabulation of responses will be self-limiting, with a dozen or fewer issues clearly rising to the top and others receiving only scattered mentions.

萨尔瓦多在04年和09年的选举中完善了选民名单,重新做了身份卡,并提高了投票站和图表的可信度。And in its 2004 and 2009 elections, El Salvador refined its voter lists, created new identity cards, and improved the reliability of polling stations and tabulation.

通过对叙述法分析动作的思考,得出用表格法分析动作,有格式规范,全面系统、结果明了和易于掌握等特点。By comparing with narration method , the author finds that tabulation method is a more formal, more systematic and more facile method in analyzing sport skill movement.

安全阀的规格及性能符合东锅技术协议中的要求,每只安全阀的技术规范见附表1。The specification and performance of the safety valves shall meet the requirements of the DBC as specified in this technical agreement. See attached Tabulation Sheet 1.

采用一种表格式的通用录入控件的实现技术,可以很好地解决MIS软件开发中的通用录入难题。Adopting universal input control as tabulation to input implementation technique of controlling part can solve MIS in the software development well in common use to input.

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新增的功能将包括在年底出勤和检查报告,并会自动制表也为教师设施添加在相关言论。Added features will include automatic tabulation of attendance and examination reports at year end and it will also have the facility for teachers to add remarks where relevant.

赞比亚反对党领袖萨塔以微弱的优势领先于对手代总统班达,与此同时,周四举行的总统选举的选票清点工作继续进行。In Zambia, opposition leader Michel Sata is maintaining a slim lead over rival, Acting President Rupiah Banda, as vote tabulation continues from Thursday's presidential election.

美国坚决支持并愿意提供国家民盟所以及国内事务司的一切努力,帮助监督及整理最终全民公决结果。The United States supported efforts by the National Democratic Institute and by Kenyan civil society organizations to carry out monitoring and parallel vote tabulation of the referendum.