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一名拾荒者在歇一会儿。A scavenger takes a break.

念旧的人总活得像个拾荒者。You always live like a scavenger.

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贾瓦人是一个拾荒者种族。The Jawas are a scavenger species.

寻宝游戏很简单。The Treasure or Scavenger Hunt is simple.

清道夫飞船名为“袭击者号”。The scavenger vessel is called the Raider.

是一种有效的自由基清除剂。A kind of Effective free radical scavenger.

早晨搜寻是巨大的浪费时间。Morning scavenger hunts are a huge waste of time.

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发送给您的爱人一个在一个清道夫亨特必须记住!Send your loved one on a scavenger hunt to be remembered!

大王具足虫是一种食腐生物,以死掉的鲸类、鱼类和虾类的尸体为食。It is a scavenger that feeds on dead whales, fish and shrimp.

原花青素是一种天然有效的自由基清除剂。Proanthocyanidin is a effective natural free radical scavenger.

选择从故事模式或清道夫模式,以积聚财富在战利品!Choose from Story Mode or Scavenger Mode to amass a fortune in booty!

一名十来岁的pemulung——拾荒者——在烤肉串,肉是从垃圾堆上找来的。A teenage pemulung – scavenger – cooks skewers of meat found on the tip.

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桑椹红色素是一种很好的天然自由基清除剂。Mulberry red pigment hence was a good kind of natural radical scavenger.

维生素E是体内最主要的生物自由基清除剂和抗氧化剂之一。Vitamin E is the main body of biological free radical scavenger and antioxidant one.

视频中穿戴整齐的女豪杰是一个58岁的拾荒者,名为陈贤妹。The heroine in the video turned out to be a 58-year-old scavenger named Chen Xianmei.

正把寻宝游戏带到21世纪,甚至有人为其制作了一部电影。is taking the scavenger hunt into the 21st century. Someone even made a movie about it.

提示丹参可作为一良好的外源性氧自由基清除剂。It suggested that SM could be regarded as a good exogenous scavenger of oxygen free radical.

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萨拉底的女儿米纳,在找工作失败后也开始了清道夫的工作生涯。Sharadah's daughter, Meena, started working as a scavenger after failing to find other work.

虎杖苷组巨噬细胞CD36的表达同样明显低于生理盐水组。Polydatin also prevented ox-LDL-induced expression of scavenger receptor CD36 on the macrophages.

我们在玩寻宝游戏,我们组派我搞一张大腕儿包房的照片。There's a scavenger hunt , and my team has tasked me with getting a photograph in a whale's suite.