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你对塞纳和普罗斯特的看法?What's your opinion of Senna and Prost ?

那有可能会是塞纳和普罗斯特全部再来一遍。It could be Senna and Prost all over again.

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雷曼算不算国际银行业的塞纳?Was Lehman the Senna of international banking? Yes.

另外,老妇人的目标还有米戈尔。维洛索和马科斯。塞纳。Are still alive also Miguel Veloso and Marcos Senna idea.

还能减轻由番泻叶引起的结肠炎症。Domestic Sme also inhibited the colitis induced by senna.

把无花果和砂糖加进番泻浸液中并开启搅拌器搅拌至光滑细致。Add the figs and sugar to the senna infusion and whizz until smooth.

然后用另一个碗,放入枸杞以及刚好能淹过枸杞的冷水将枸杞泡开。Place the senna pods in a glass bowl and pour over the boiling water.

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还记得91年曼赛尔也给塞纳搭车来着咩?Remember Silverstone '91, when Nigel Mansell gave Ayrton Senna a lift?

在他长达10年的一级方程式车手生涯里,冼拿创下了诸多功迹。During his 10-year-long Formula One career, Senna achieved tons of success.

平安温顺,自然番泻叶稀释配方,一整晚,便秘即可得到缓解。Safe, gentle, concentrated "Natural Senna" formula provides overnight relief of constipation.

冼拿在1960年生于巴西,在1994年卒于义大利圣玛利诺大奖赛的一场撞车中。Senna was born in Brazil in 1960 and died in a crash during the San Marino Grand Prix in Italy in 1994.

目的研究番泻叶提取物对游离的豚鼠结肠平滑肌细胞收缩的影响。AIM To investigate the effect of senna extract on contraction of colonic smooth muscle cells of guinea pig.

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当塞纳的画像从疾驰的车窗前无精打采地飞过,马萨的声音再次回响。As the images of Senna flattened and blurred against the window of a speeding car, Massa's voice echoed again.

方法观察厚朴酚对生大黄小鼠小肠炭末推进的影响及对番泻叶与蓖麻油引起小鼠腹泻模型的止泻作用。And the anti-diarrhea function on the mice with diarrhea induced by castor oil and Senna Leaf was observed too.

目的观察胃肠负荷对甲状腺机能低下大鼠适应性产热的影响。Objective To observe the effect of digestive load from senna on the adaptive thermogenesis in hypothyroid rats.

比利亚雷亚尔的中场球员塞纳对于仍在进行的转会曼联的谈判表现出极大的耐心。Villarreal midfielder Marcos Senna is unconcerned that his proposed move to United still has not been finalised.

维拉里尔中场马科斯·塞纳声称曼联的赞助商阻止了他投奔这家英超豪门。Villarreal midfielder Marcos Senna claims Manchester United's sponsors denied him a move to the Premiership giants.

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目的观察胸腰椎手术患者应用番泻叶浸剂预防术后便秘的效果。Objective To evaluate the effect of preventive constipation with senna soup in the patient after the thoracolumbar operation.

两天后,塞纳死了。“塞纳是我这辈子最大的损失。他是我的向导,我在比赛中的欢乐。”本回忆道。Two days later, Senna was dead. " Senna was the greatest loss of my life. He was my guide, my joy in racing, " recalls Barrichello.

当然,在两位车手统治整个赛季前,还不到和两位伟人相比的阶段。However, they can not compare with either Senna and Prost yet until they can prove that they have power to dominate the whole season.