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南方联盟军穿灰色制服。Confederate army was a vast gray.

不举同盟旗,不信黑色耶稣。So no confederate flag, no black jesus.

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一艘邦联的船只将福克斯运送到萨姆特堡。A Confederate boat carried Fox to Sumter.

一个邦联步枪开火的步枪。A group of Confederate riflemen fire their muskets.

邦联败军则损失了23231名士兵。The defeated Confederate army lost 23, 231 soldiers.

他们冲进了几千同盟布阵中。They ran into several thousand Confederate soldiers.

格兰特同意让这些南方士兵们回家。Grant agreed to let the Confederate soldiers go home.

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一个穿着同盟者制服的男人在椅子前面踱来踱去。metal chair, restrained. A man in a Confederate uniform

在法院屋顶悬挂盟国国旗是违法的。It is illegal to display a confederate flag on a courthouse.

按南部联盟的钱算,这大约值两千美元左右。It would cost about two thousand dollars, Confederate money.

布拉格统治下的同盟军打败了联邦军队。Confederate forces under Braxton Bragg defeated Union forces.

南军兵力不足,所剩廖廖无几。There just were not enough Confederate soldiers left to fight.

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美国南北战争中,南军采取攻势。In the American Civil War the Confederate state took the offensive.

同盟军的士兵们都认为他们正在射击的是联盟军部将。The Confederate soldiers thought they were firing on Union officers.

一八六二年九月五日,美国南部联盟将领罗伯特.李率兵北犯。On 5 September 1862, confederate general Robert Lee invaded the North.

南方军唯一的军事力量只剩下罗伯特。The only Confederate power that remained was the army of General Robert E.

邦联的角度来看来回摆动从李登辉朗斯特里特。The Confederate point of view swings back and forth from Lee to Longstreet.

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一八六五年四月,南部联盟首都利其蒙被北军攻下。In April 1865, Richmond, the Confederate capital, was taken by Union troops.

然而,就是这样,南方士兵拒绝停止战斗,他们也不准备投降。Yet Confederate soldiers refused to stop fighting. They would not surrender.

一些联邦官员能追踪到神经抑制器的位置。The location of neural inhibitors can be tracked by some Confederate officers.