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我经常发这样的感叹。I often had this kind of plaint.

这是不少农民的感叹和疑问。This is many farmers plaint and doubt.

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我感叹,生命是如此地没有保证。I'm plaint that the being is so insecure.

但是我不会用这致命的诉苦来使你忧伤。But I would not sadden you by the mortal plaint.

狐狸帮绵羊把状子递到了狮子法官那儿。Fox sheep to help judge where the plaint Didao the lion.

他们会让你每天感受到不同的惊讶与感叹。They make you feel every day different surprise and plaint.

她痛苦地解释了她对朴素链条的抱怨。She painfully ex plained her com plaint about the plain chain.

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秋既是骚人哀怨的体现,又是盛世衰落的象征。The image of autumn was embodiment of poets' plaint and symbol of decline.

读书时,常常为那些动人心弦处所感叹。While reading the book, often for those who strike a deep chord place plaint.

而有时心中便会有一种莫名伤感的情绪,对人生充满了感叹。But sometimes it is invaded by unnamable sorrows and filled with plaint of life.

岁月无情的流逝,眼看着春去秋又至,无奈的感叹。Years of relentless passage, watching the spring to autumn to another, is helpless plaint.

起诉书中犯罪事实制作的好坏直接影响到起诉书的质量,也会影响到办案的质量。Whether the writing of crime details is good effects not only the quality of the plaint but also that of case decision.

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连满文军这样的歌手也吸毒,难怪人们发出娱乐圈是个大染缸的感叹。Even singer like Man Wenjun takes drug, it is normal for people to plaint that the entertainment circle is a great dye vat.

工时长,工资却很低,难怪北上淘金的TVB艺人都感叹在内地一集的酬劳相当于在TVB拍十集的酬劳。Long working hours, wages are low, no wonder for the gold TVB artist plaint in the mainland for a set of equivalent in TVB took ten sets.

结婚第一年,我想,十年后我们的婚姻会变成啥模样?今天,我感叹,十年前的婚姻为什么会是那模样?The first year, I thought what our marriage would like to be ten years later. Today, I plaint that why should our marriage like that ten years ago.

吴均的“游侠情结”从某种意义上说是一种“英雄情结”,它包含着功名渴望、恩遇希冀、身世感慨等多重内涵。In a sense, Wu's complex can be called heroic complex that is endowed with longing for achievements, gratitude and hope, plaint for life experiences and so on.

后来,我们渐渐感觉到众厂商磨刀霍霍,预先热身的动作,我们感叹信息电器将呼啸而至。Later, we feel numerous manufacturer grinds knife the scrape gradually, beforehand the movement of warm up, we plaint information electric equipment comes howl.

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看到他们日愈苍老的容颜,我深深地愧疚,感叹自己的无能,没法让爸妈更好地享受生活,让他们充分去感受儿女给他们的幸福。Looking at their older and older face make me ashamed and guilt deeply. I plaint my inability and are unable to let them have a better life and taste blessedness from their children.