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我们那时还是两个毛头小伙子呢。We were still a couple of sonny boys.

我知道你们是怎么想的,小老弟。I know what you think it means, sonny.

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我才不管呢,那个机器人说它是桑尼。I didn't care, the robot said it was Sonny.

桑尼·科利昂靠紧窗户。Sonny Corleone pressed close to the window.

桑尼·科利昂有力量,他有勇气。Sonny Corleone had strength, he had courage.

桑儿说的非常简单,“那,索洛佐就是一堆死肉。Sonny said very simply. "Sollozzo is dead meat."

迈克尔守着电话听到什么情况就向桑儿转达。Michael stayed by the phone relaying messages to Sonny.

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在纽约,他遇到了桑尼·科利昂,因此遇到了这个妹妹。In New York he met Sonny Corleone and so met the sister.

黑根在花园里面焦急地寻找山尼·科里昂。Out in the garden, Hagen searched anxiously for Sonny Corleone.

桑儿把大钞票递给收费员,等人家补零钱。Sonny handed the toll taker the dollar bill and waited for his change.

山尼·科里昂站在窗边,眼睛注视着窗外。Sonny Corleone was standing by the window, looking out into the garden.

创立金沙江基金以前,伍伸俊是亚洲无线科技创始人。Prior to GSR, Sonny was the co-founder of Asia Wireless Technology Corp.

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据一个认识桑尼的朋友回忆,“他想做一些不符合传统的东西。A friend who knew Sonny then recalled that "he wanted to do unconventional things.

贞洁波诺,被桑尼和雪儿的唯一的孩子意味着在公众面前的生活。For Chastity Bono, being Sonny and Cher's only child meant living in the public eye.

在玻璃杯沿上,当她喝酒的时候,她的眼睛饥渴地搜索着想要找到桑尼·科利昂。Over the glass rim, as she drank, her eyes searched hungrily to find Sonny Corleone.

要成为梦幻西游十二人物玩家宝贝,我觉得主要有两点要求。To be one of the 12 Sonny Players of this game, I think there are mainly 2 requirements.

一开始,情况其实并不糟糕,皮威童子军参观了火鸡农场,桑尼把一只火鸡带回了家。It´s not so bad when they visit a turkey farm and Sonny Betz takes a turkey home with him.

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乔治亚州州长桑尼·普度也正在访问其第二大贸易伙伴-中国。Governor Sonny Perdue of Georgia was also visiting China, its second-largest trading partner.

咱们在会谈时都要保持开诚布公。我希望你不像你大哥桑儿那样头脑容易发热,跟他无法谈正经事。I hope you're not a hothead like your brother Sonny. It's impossible to talk business with him.

但是,要说布拉西当了叛徒或遭到了突然袭击,桑儿都是不能相信的。But' Sonny could not believe that Brasi had either turned traitor or had been taken by surprise.