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这个和紫色色调又什么关系么?And what of the violet hue?

给我一些紫药水。Give me some gentian violet.

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在生活中要添加紫色。Put some violet in your life.

中度的红色中透出一点紫罗兰色泽。Mid-red color with violet hues.

红宝石色,紫色酒影。Ruby red with violet undertones.

我绝望了,紫霞离开了我。I am acedia, violet glow left me.

他喜欢穿紫色的衣服。She liked to wear violet dresses.

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但员工们会喜欢“紫罗兰”吗?But will the workers welcome Violet?

深红的色泽泛着紫罗兰色的光晕。Intense red color with violet tones.

这个款式有紫罗兰色的吗?。Do you have the same style in violet?

核果宽椭圆形,紫黑色。Drupe is wide elliptic, violet black.

我闻到一股紫罗兰香粉的淡淡的清香味儿。I caught a faint odour of violet sachet.

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深宝石红色掩映着紫罗兰色光泽。Intense ruby red color with violet hues.

不再白光闪耀——只是一阵柔和的紫光。No scream of white—just a violet whisper.

深沉的红宝石色泽略带紫罗兰光泽。A deep ruby red color with tinges of violet.

红皮果实、黑莓及紫羅蘭香气。Aromas of red fruits, blackberry and violet.

绿、蓝、紫都是冷色。The cool colors are green, blue, and violet.

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绽放着浓郁的紫罗兰色。This wine presents an intense violet colour.

维奥莱特说她要到达边境了。Violet said that she would reach the border.

蓝、绿、紫则属冷色系。Blue, green, violet is cool color department.