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共轭动量正好是磁场强度矢量。The conjugate momenta of the system are just magnetic field vectors.

此外,轴外传输的孤子会获得附加的角动量。Moreover, additional angular momenta are added to the off-axis propagating solitons.

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至于对距离的影响,则比能量及动量的调整更难理解。The modifications of energy and momenta are better understood than the effects on distance.

计算结果表明基态能随总角动量的变化曲线只在某些角动量处出现尖角。We find that the downward cusp of the ground state energy only occurs for several angular momenta.

从两束喷注的能量和动量可以推算出产生它们的粒子的质量。From the energies and momenta of the two jets, researchers can infer the mass of the particle that produced them.

他认为,凝聚发生的地方,应该要比目前测量到的胶子动量更低才对。He says that the condensate should in fact appear for gluons moving with even lower momenta than have been measured.

这是质量总和,乘以总动量,因为我得到这些动量,单个粒子的动量。Now, this is also 1 over m total times the total momentum, because I've all these momenta of these individual particles.

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本文利用势模型方法研究了重双夸克在不同角动量时的基态和激发态能谱。In this paper, by using potential method we discuss the energy spectrum of diquark on ground state and excited state with different angular momenta.

书提出范曼积分在冲力和群众,和他们应用在物质兴趣的问题的各种各样限制内的渐近扩大。The book presents asymptotic expansions of Feynman integrals in various limits of momenta and masses, and their applications to problems of physical interest.

更为重要的是,广义动量表示的拉格朗日方程较之传统形式的拉格朗日方程在辛积分中表现出独特的优越性。More importantly, the generalized momenta based Lagrange's equations show unique advantages over the traditional Lagrange's equations in symplectic integrations.

测量中子在生物样品上的动量和能量转移,可以得到动力学结构因子。By measuring the scattered neutron intensity versus momenta and energy transfers, the structure and dynamical information of the biological macromolecules can be obtained.

换句话说,它将把每次事件产生的粒子轨迹追溯回至原点,并形成一组能量、动量、轨迹等协调一致的数据。In other words, it will project tracks back to common points of origin and thereby form a coherent set of data—energies, momenta , trajectories, and so on—for the particles produced by each event.